The image is by Alex Castro.
According to NBC News, the company settled a lawsuit brought by shareholders who claimed that the company's workplace discrimination against women and racial minorities hurt its reputation. The company agreed to spend $50 million on improving its diversity and equity, and will let former employees talk about discrimination they experienced, even if they were bound by a non-disclosure agreement. The financial details of the settlement were not disclosed.
In November 2020, a shareholder filed a lawsuit against the company's executives, accusing them of acting irresponsibly by not addressing widespread claims of race and gender discrimination. The CEO of the company was accused of marginalizing women who dared to challenge the White, male leadership of the company.
Several women reported that they were paid less than male employees and that they were retaliated against for speaking out. The finance team was reported to have discrimination. The company paid $20 million to Franoise Brougher after she alleged that the company paid her less than male colleagues, didn't invite her to important meetings, and fired her after she brought up the issues.
Settlements can help companies avoid real accountability, even though they may result in larger payouts and charitable donations, according to the lawyer for Brougher. BothPinterest and Brougher agreed to donate over $2 million to charities supporting women and minorities in tech.