Ania Tanner, a grandmother from Ontario, Canada, was shocked when an innocent-looking dancing cactus toy she bought for her granddaughter at Walmart started swearing and singing about doing cocaine in Polish.
The toy uses swear words and talks about cocaine use. This is not what I ordered for my granddaughter.
The toy was removed from Walmart's online store, despite the fact that people had been complaining about it for at least five months.
The Cocaine Blues.
The Walmart Canada website states that the dancing cactus is a learning toy and retails for $20.
Its rap skills in Polish were not appropriate. In addition to raping about cocaine, the happy man also covered other pleasantries such as suicide and depression.
When I started to listen to the songs, I heard the words and I am Polish. I was shocked. I wondered what the joke was.
She said that the song was about taking five grams of cocaine and being alone.
The Chinese manufacturer apparently had no idea that the song they were using was by Cypis, a Polish rapper.
Cypis is taking legal action against the manufacturer.
Walmart pulled a children's toy from its website because it swore and sang in Polish about doing cocaine.
40 percent of American children think hot dogs are vegetables.
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