The Spanish-Mexican team found that the boundary between objects that destroy and those that preserve it is 51.5 times the mass of Jupiter. The brown dwarf is a major deposti. Jupiter and the Earth are not as big as some people think. The Sun has destroyed all of the lithium that was in its nucleus and kept some in its upper layers, which are slowly mixing with its interior. Gabriel Pérez Daz is a SMM.
Coffee colored brown dwarfs are the natural link between stars and planets. They are larger than Jupiter and can burn hydrogen, which is the fuel the stars use to shine. Substellar objects were not observed until the mid 1990's. It was predicted that some of them could preserve their content of lithium, also known as "white petroleum", because of its rarity and relevance.
In the past twenty years, the motions of brown dwarfs in the solar neighborhood have been detected. They have determined their mass using the mathematical formulae produced in the XII century by Johannes Kepler to describe the motions of the planets and stars. The primary component may not have enough mass to burn the substance, while the secondary may have enough. The theoretical models have not been tested before.
A team of researchers at the Instituto de Astrofsica de Canaria are using the OSIRIS telescope on the Gran Telescopio Canarias to study the universe.
They did not detect any of the other substances, but they did find the lightest of the four. The deposit of cosmic lithium is not destroyed and it was discovered by doing this. It's the faintest extrasolar object that has been found in a quantity 13 thousand times greater than the amount on Earth. The object is 41 times bigger than Jupiter and has an age of 1.100 million years.
The Instituto de Astrofsica de Canarias has credit.
There is a chest of treasure.
We can estimate the mass of brown dwarfs with the help of observations. The thermonuclear mass found this way must be consistent with the mass found in the analysis. The researchers have found that the lithium is 10% lower than predicted by the most recent models. This discrepancy suggests that there is something in the behavior of brown dwarfs that we don't understand.
The first author of the article says that they have been following the trail of Li in brown dwarfs for three decades. The researcher says that brown dwarfs contain the largest deposit of the valuable element in our universe.
Carlos del Burgo Daz, a researcher at the INAOE, a public research center of the Mexican CONACYT, explains that primordial lithium was created 13 million years ago, together with hydrogen and helium, as a result of he nuclear explosion. Although this element can be destroyed, it is also created in novae and supernovae so that brown dwarfs such as Reid 1B can protect it as if it were a chest of hidden treasure.
The research was published in a journal.
There are new constraints on the minimum mass for burning thermonuclear lithium in brown dwarfs. There is a DOI of 10.093/mnras/stab2969.
Astronomers discovered ancient brown dwarf withlithium deposits intact on November 24th, 2021.
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