The new date is Nov 24, 2021.
The Department of Defense late Tuesday announced plans for a new group to look into reports of unidentified aerial phenomena, as speculation grows over what is actually out there.
The report found that Navy pilots had at least 11 near-misses with unexplained objects.
The Pentagon said in a news release that the Airborne Object Identification and Management Synchronization Group will look at reports of unexplained flying objects to assess and mitigate any threats to safety of flight and national security.
The announcement comes just over five months after the Office of the Director of National Intelligence released a report on a number of unexplained phenomena by Navy pilots since 2004, but intelligence officials were unable to explain what the objects were, but concluded they were likely real objects that could pose a threat to national security.
The government needs to ramp up its research to come up with an explanation for what happened.
The CIA released thousands of documents that it claimed were all of its research, but it failed to provide an answer to the phenomena.
There was a lot of interest in the subject of unexplained phenomena this year, with spikes in searches like "UFO" and "UFO Sightings" through much of the year, though it has waned a bit in the fall.
Sightings increased nationwide by 16% in 2020 and in New York by double digits.
11. According to a report released in June, Navy pilots have reported near-misses with aliens.
The quote is crucial.
The Pentagon saidcursions by airborne objects into our SUA pose safety of flight and operations security concerns.
What to watch for.
The Office of the Director of National Intelligence has identified five categories that are likely to fall into when it comes to unexplained phenomena. The report didn't mention the popular speculation that aliens might be behind the strange flying objects.
The key background.
The U.S. government has been researching the topic of aliens for decades. Project Blue Book was the most comprehensive report so far. The investigation found that most of the reports were explainable and that the reports were not a threat to national security. After Project Blue Book, the government's research into alien lifeform waned, until 2007, when a little-known project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program launched. The program ushered in a new era of increased government scrutiny of unexplained phenomena, but it was largely hidden until media reports of its existence appeared in the year 2017. It was replaced by a task force in 2020.
Intel Agencies say most of the time they found real objects.
During the coronaviruses pandemic, there was a spike in the number of unexplained phenomena.
The Pentagon has a mysterious U.F.O. program.