College was a great place to dye your hair, date terrible people, and occasionally learn something. Wizards of the Coast is adding cross-dimensional magic school Strixhaven University from Magic: The Gathering to their game. It sounds like a young adult book with spells.
Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos is a new adventure that will pull players back into the clutches of academia. Strixhaven is more entertaining than a regular school because it allows players to learn magic with mathematics.
The staff and students of the College of Numeromancy can be seen in excerpts from the website.
The Wizards of the Coast.
Each of Strixhaven University's colleges has its own type of magic, whether it be a mathematical college, an archeological college, or an artistic college. In an email to Mashable, senior game designer,Amanda Hamon, shared that her preferred college is Silverquill, the College of Eloquence, though she's tempted by Witherbloom College.
"Silverquill students use the power of language to fuel magic," said Hamon. "As a writer with a deep appreciation of the art inherent in all forms of human expression and storytelling, joining that college is just too appealing to pass up."
All the colleges have separate campuses and classes in Strixhaven, though Hamon noted that Dungeons and Dragons player groups which include members across different colleges aren't just feasible, but encouraged, so hopefully nobody's choosing a major just to stay closer to their boyfriend.
"The adventures are full of extra-academic events, whether they're social gatherings or student competitions," said Hamon. Students from all colleges hang out at Bow's End Tavern, take in a game at Strixhaven Stadium, or jump on the field on Central Campus, where they are very intertwined socially.
The fun ends when Strixhaven comes under threat from an enemy with a centuries-old grudge.
"Beyond the expression of magic on campus, the atmosphere of the adventures is playful and shenanigan-filled until the dire plot comes to a head," said Hamon.
The Wizards of the Coast.
The popularity of the Harry Potter series makes it likely that any new magic school will be compared to Hogwarts. It's an inevitability that Hamon was aware of when designing Strixhaven, and made an active effort to address.
"When it comes to it, Strixhaven's gameplay has very little to do with the tone and themes of Hogwarts, and that's by design," said Hamon. I wanted to go in the opposite direction. The adventures include some very lighthearted elements and are awash in the type of barely controlled chaos that is rampant on university campuses.
The adventures include events like a rowdy night of socializing and games at Bow's End Tavern, an outdoor improv festival, an impromptu frog race, and a late-night dare from a group of friends.
She drew on her own college experiences to build Strixhaven's atmosphere in D&D.
The Strixhaven Star is an extracurricular activity that characters can join, which is essentially the student newspaper. She credited T. Alexander Stangroom with creating Silverquill student journalist and non-player character Mina Lee, who she sees as much of her younger self.
"Mina is an investigative journalist at the Strixhaven Star, where she hopes to reveal truth, correct misconception, and combat injustice," said Hamon.
The Wizards of the Coast.
The book encourages players to let their inner young adult run rampant through the game. The D&D twist on the familiar characters is what I love about these adventures.
There is a popular cheerleader, but he is a fire Genasi. There is a bookish poet, but he is a minotaur. There is a lovable athlete, but she is a dwarf. There is a high-stakes student sports game at the end of sophomore year, but it is called Mage Tower, and it is played with little magical mascot creatures.
She hopes that Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos' unique setting and diverse characters will encourage new players to give it a try, and that older players will enjoy it.
"I hope that this book provides an outlet for the types of stories, whether they are coming-of-age tales or tales of young adult heroics, that some might have never thought had a home at the D&D table," said Hamon. "I hope that this book brings friends old and new together with fresh experiences, and that it reinforces the fact that D&D and tabletop games are for everyone, and that there's no wrong way to have fun."
orientation is held on Dec. 7