The World's Largest Organism Is Slowly Being Eaten, Scientist Says

Plants and animals have relied on the giant organisms in the Wasatch Mountains for thousands of years.

"Pando" is a 106-acre stand of quaking aspen clones, which was found in my home state of Utah.

Pando is actually a network of 47,000 genetically identical stems that arise from an interdependent root network, and it looks like a woodland of individual trees with striking white bark and small leaves that flutter in the slightest breeze.

A single genetic individual is around 6 million metric tons. By mass, it is the largest organisms on the planet.

Fish Lake is in the foreground. Lance Oditt is a member of the Friends of Pando.

Pando is interesting because of its enormous size. The average size of a clonal aspen stand in the western US is just 3 acres.

Pando has been around for thousands of years, even though most stems only live for about 130 years. Its longevity and remoteness mean a whole ecosystems of 68 plant species and many animals have evolved and been supported under its shade.

The aspen is vital to the entire system. Pando is protected by the US National Forest Service, but it is in danger of disappearing due to other factors.

One of the biggest concerns is over-consumption of deer and elk. The loss of predator animals like wolves and cougars has led to a larger herd.

The woodland in Pando is protected from being hunted so deer and elk congregate there.

The deer are eating Pando shoots. Lance Oditt is a member of the Friends of Pando.

When older trees die or fall down, light reaches the woodland floor which stimulates new stems to grow, but when these animals eat the tops off newly formed stems, they die. There is little new growth in large portions of Pando.

There is a fenced off area that was used to remove dying trees. The area has been excluded from deer and elk, and has seen regrowth of new stems with dense growth referred to as the "bamboo garden".

Climate change and diseases.

There are at least three diseases that affect older stems in Pando.

There is a lack of new growth and an ever-growing list of other pressures on the clonal giant, and it is not known what the long-term effect will be.

Climate change is the fastest-growing threat. After the last ice age, Pando arose and has dealt with a stable climate ever since.

Pando has survived a lot. Lance Oditt is a member of the Friends of Pando.

It is surrounded by desert, meaning it is no stranger to warm temperatures. Climate change threatens the tree's size and lifespan, as well as the entire ecology it hosts.

Climate change-related pressures, such as reduced water supply and warmer weather earlier in the year, have made it harder for trees to form new leaves, which has led to declines in coverage.

With more competition for water resources, Pando will certainly struggle to adjust to these fast, as temperatures are expected to continue soaring to record highs in summer, and the threat of more intense fires.

Pando has already survived rapid environmental changes, especially when European settlers began to colonize the area in the 19th century or after the rise of 20th century recreational activities. The world's largest scientifically documented organisms has dealt with disease, wildfire, and grazing before.

There is hope as scientists are helping us to understand Pando's resilience, while the US forest service is working to protect the tree and its surrounding environment. The Friends of Pando want to make the tree accessible to everyone through video recordings.

I visited Pando last summer when I was in Utah. I walked under tall mature stems swaying and "quaking" in the gentle breeze, between the thick new growth in the "bamboo garden", and into charming meadow that puncture portions of the otherwise-enclosed center.

I was able to see pollinating insects, birds, fox, and deer, all using part of the Pando environment, as I marveled at the wildflowers and other plants thriving under the dappled shade canopy.

These moments remind us that we have plants, animals, and ecosystems that are worth protecting. In Pando, we have the chance to protect all three.

Richard Elton Walton is a research associate at the university.

The Conversation's article is a Creative Commons licensed one. The original article can be found here.