It is still a gift to watch new movies, shows, and behind-the-scenes specials almost weekly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, despite the fact that the year has been nonstop. That kind of machine can lend itself to projects that are not always necessary, but still entertaining. Hawkeye is a six-episode miniseries that catches up with Clint Barton and his new friend.
Kate Bishop is a teen with a penchant for getting herself into trouble and is introduced by Hawkeye. The opening sequence of the movie shows us that Kate has been taken with both Clint and his weapon of choice since they saved her from the Chitauri attack on New York. Kate is a top archer and martial artist, but she doesn't meet her favorite Avenger until a blast from his past brings them together. Executive producer Rhys Thomas directs three episodes.
It is a Christmas movie, and only if you suspend belief and embrace the magic of the season can you fully enjoy what it has to offer. The story is about a kid who believes in miracles and a man who just wants to get home for the holidays. The tone bounces from sinister to silly and everything in between, all while counting down to Christmas in New York City, which is very much one of the characters.
Pizza Dog, Merry Christmas! Mary Cybulski is a writer for the studio.
It's clear from the beginning that this is not Clint's solo outing. This is a superhero origin story and Disney movie, complete with a dead parent and animal sidekick. A winsome Steinfeld slides into the part like she's been playing it her whole life, an extension of roles like The Edge of Seventeen that take advantage of her flawless comedic timing so it only charms and never grates, as with her obvious chagrin at bringing a bow and arrow to a Clint and Kate are a comedy duo, with Clint being the straight man and Kate being his humorous foil. Steinfeld, Pizza Dog, and even an exaggerated slow-motion sequence in episode 2 are used by Renner to get the laugh.
The struggle here is that the MCU never quite figured out who Renner's Hawkeye was. He's a family man and a fierce friend to Nat, but his loyalty falls apart and he ends up in the Ronin storyline. Clint's murder rampage was re-christened by Hawkeye as "vigilante justice" and he was cast as the lovable but grumpy Avenger who wants to live in the shadows but also go to Rogers: The Musical to see himself on stage.
WandaVision was weird as heck but ultra-confident in presentation, while Loki introduced its main conflict up front. In the first two episodes, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier match Hawkeye's energy and make up for the buddy-comedy vibes without a clear villain or conflict. Kate's mother and her stepbrother are linked to a black market for shady rich folk and the Ronin suit, which gets everyone in trouble. It has Easter eggs and Christmas eggs. Clint follows an intimidating Ukrainian gang into one of the show's most unexpected and amusing scenes.
These shit-eating grins are not hiding anything. Credit: Chuck Zlotnick.
The old adage is that even if it's bad, it's good. Not to say that Hawkeye is bad, but it's not the best show in the MCU. The end of episode 2 promises more focused plot with a villain in the picture, and it introduces a more-than-worthy new lead into the MCU. It's a fun holiday caper that scratches that itch with satisfying fight scenes, wholesome bonding, and a nod to the past. It's about the power of Christmas, and it's something that even the bad guys couldn't take from us.
New episodes of Hawkeye are weekly on Disney+.