The image is called "chorus image" and it was uploaded to thecdn.vox-cdn.com.
The Fairphone 2 was released in 2015.
The photo was taken by JamesVincent.
The Fairphone 2, a device that was launched in 2015, has been updated to the latest version of the operating system. The company says it hopes to release a stable version of the update early next year. The company plans to start testing an update for the Fairphone 3 and 3 Plus.
Although getting an update two years after its original release wouldn't normally be cause for celebration, it's basically unheard of for an Android manufacturer to still be updating a handsets six years after its original release. Only Apple comes close to these kinds of support periods and recently released its latest update for the 2015 iPhone 6S.
Today is the start of the alpha testing for Fairphone 2 and the aim is to be public in early 2022. The good news is that the fairphone 3 and 3+ users will be able to try out the new phone this week.
Fairphone is on November 23, 2021.
Four years of security updates and three generations of updates for its recent phones are offered by the company. For the next five years and three years, security updates will be provided for the latest version of the device.
Fairphone explained in a post that it was difficult to offer updates for this length of time. One of the biggest challenges is that Fairphone uses a particular type of processor from Qualcomm. In December of last year, the company supported its chips for three major OS updates and four years of security updates. Fairphone is on their own if they want to keep their phones updated after support ends.
The company collaborated with its community to speed up the update process for the Fairphone 2. The Fairphone 2 update took just 10 months to develop, compared to 18 months for the previous version.
The news will be good for anyone who is still using a Fairphone 2 and wants to benefit from the new features of the new OS. It is reassuring for anyone thinking about buying the Fairphone 4 that the company hopes to keep it supported for six years.