American Airlines and JetBlue ask court to throw out DOJ lawsuit


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The Northeast Alliance has allowed American and JetBlue to launch new routes. Photo Credit: NYC Russ.

The Justice Department has an antitrust case against the Northeast Alliance.
The carriers are asking the court to hear the motion in an oral argument.

The Northeast Alliance has market power in the relevant market and the DOJ is required to prove that in order for the case to be dismissed.
The Northeast Alliance has a president.

The filing says that thePlaintiffs failed to plead either element.
The DOJ didn't comment.
The DOJ and the states of Arizona, Massachusetts, California, Florida, Pennsylvania and Virginia sued American and JetBlue in September in an effort to break up the Northeast Alliance, under which the carriers codeshare and schedule routes in Boston and the New York area.
The alliance will cause hundreds of millions of dollars in harm to consumers and give the larger partner incentive to give way to its own route decisions in New York and Boston, according to the DOJ.

The carriers have argued that the alliance has allowed them to launch new routes and increase frequencies, especially in the New York area, where United and Delta have been the dominant carriers.

The Northeast Alliance was launched in February.

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AA-JetBlue filed a motion to dismiss the DOJ lawsuit.