A Hubble image of a galaxy has been reprocessed. The area where the emission started is marked by the oval region. The identification of the source is very difficult because only a few FRBs repeat. Four host galaxies have been spotted, and a small number do repeat. Astronomers have recently identified and studied a modestly star-forming galaxy host. The image was processed by Alyssa Pagan-STScI.
Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are bright, long-lived, and mysterious when seen at radio wavelengths of tens of centimeters. The bursts last between hundredths of a millisecond to a few milliseconds, and none of them has been associated with a specific source, even though thousands of FRBs have been detected since the first one was spotted fourteen years ago. One of the reasons why follow-up observations to identify the originating sources are so difficult is that most FRBs do not repeat. Four of the "repeaters" have been found to originate within host galaxies with modest star formation, which may be a clue to the nature of the objects or environments responsible for them.
Tarraneh was part of a team that used the thirty-six telescope Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder facility to detect five bursts from a new repeater and to identify its location within a faint galaxy. The team used the Binospec instrument on the MMT to measure the optical spectrum of the host galaxy, as well as archival X-ray data from the Swift Observatory.
The average rate of star formation in this galaxy is about five solar-masses of new stars per year, similar to the four previously identified hosts of FRBs. The average age of stars in the host galaxy is five billion years old. There is no evidence of emission from a black hole nucleus.
The new study shows that using a combination of tools can help find the origins of the radio bursts.
The Astrophysical Journal Letters has more information about the Chronicling the HostGalaxyProperties of the Remarkable Repeating FRB 20201124A. There is a book titled "10847/2041-8213/ac242b".
The Astrophysical Journal Letters contains information.
The host galaxy of a fast radio burst was retrieved fromphys.org on November 22, 2021.
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