'Spider-Man: No Way Home' trailer gets awesome '90s cartoon remake

We're all trying to get our hands on the latest trailer for Spider-Man: No Way Home.

This isn't it. It's footage you may have seen many times over a bowl of Coco Pops. 100Bombs Studios put together an 'animated cut' trailer using footage from the Spider-Man, Spectacular Spider-Man, and Ultimate Spider-Man TV series from the '90s.

It's very clever, as painstakingly sourced cartoon footage is accompanied by voiceovers from the new cast: Tom Holland as Peter Parker and Zendaya as MJ, alongside animated versions Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), Electro (Jamie Foxx), Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe) and Doctor

It's perfect, "please, Scooby-doo this shit," in animated form. The original can be watched here.

The movie Spider–Man: No Way Home will be released in December.

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