There is strong evidence that crabs, lobsters, and other arthropods are capable of feelings and will be recognized as sentient beings under UK animal welfare laws.
Decapods, an order of crustaceans, and cephalopods, a class of mollusks, will now fall under the Animal Welfare (Sentience) Bill. Decapods include crustaceans like crabs, lobsters, shrimp, prawns, and crayfish.
The bill already recognizes all animals with a spine as sentient beings, according to the announcement. One of the key hallmarks of sentience is the complex central nervous systems of decapods and cephalopods.
The London School of Economics and Political Science conducted an independent review.
The review states that there is "strong evidence" that such animals are sentient and that they have the capacity to have feelings.
Jonathan Birch, a professor at the London School of Economics who works on the Foundations of Animal Sentience Project, said he was pleased to see the government implementing a central recommendation of his team's report. For years,Octopuses and other cephalopods have been protected in science, but have not received any outside protection until now.
Recommendations on animal welfare practices were made by the report.
The declawing of crabs is banned.
The sale of live crabs and lobsters should be banned.
When a viable alternative exists and when electrical stunning is not done first, then banning the following slaughter methods.
There is no evidence of a slaughter method for creatures like octopuses that is both humane and commercially viable on a large scale, according to the report.
The UK government said it would not affect fishing legislation. There will be no impact on the restaurant industry. It is designed to make sure animal welfare is considered in future decisions.
In July, the Insider reported that the UK was considering banning inhumane slaughter methods for animals like lobsters and crabs.
In Switzerland and New Zealand, boiling crustaceans is illegal.
Do you have a news tip? Contact the reporter at lamikvs@insider.com.