Experts Say AR Could Let People “Reality Block” Stuff They Don’t Like

If you thought the last two elections were bad, you should prepare for the next one.

Business Insider has learned that the company's Metaverse could allow people to block things they don't like.

Shawn Frayne told Insider that people should be worried. Think about your entire field of view if you think Facebook is bad for democracy.

An article says that conservatives walking down the street might block an abortion clinic out of their vision, and that a progressive on the same street might walk past a gun store without knowing it.

This means that we can change everything we see in our daily lives, like a nightmare version of social media. The CEO of the company said that people will be living in their own reality bubbles, a step beyond being served information bubbles on the web.

The Metaverse could improve our lives. It could make our world feel like Harry Potter. The Metaverse isn't likely to make those problems better because nobody can seem to agree on what's real or not. It will probably make it worse.

We already knew that Facebook wants to be between you and reality, and recently showed off gloves that allow you to touch things in the Metaverse. If the gloves work well, and Insider has good reporting, you could be convinced you are touching another person in the Metaverse. Imagine developing a relationship with that person, or hearing them deliver political messages. The implications are not good.

It is important that reality is accurate and that everyone can agree on what is happening.

The Pioneer Warns that Metaverse could make Reality Disappear.

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