Ryan Rogers was reported missing on Monday. His body was found near an overpass. His death was ruled a murder by police.
Approximately 500,000 pounds of cannabis and a firearm were found during a two-day search. The street value of the marijuana was estimated by the Oregon State Police.
May 26, 2021 was not the beginning of a nightmare for journalist, but was a continuation and a statement after the charges against her were dropped.
The teen was reported missing.
Police said that Diamond Key was driving a BMW going over 100 mph when he crashed.
The Hollister man was charged with 27 counts of child molesting.
Shannon Mayor's insurance plan paid her hospital bill. She was responsible for the cost.
The stress of raising four children, including Brinley, is making her physically ill. Brinley is tearing apart their family by smoking pot, running away and using e-liquid. Brinley says that the real problem in the family is her stepbrother, who drinks and does drugs to excess while taking care of her younger siblings. Brinley claims that she has been asked for marijuana by Jonah. Brinley talks to her mother in the video. How does it make sense for her to allow a person who is ahopeless, relapsing alcoholic to be around her children? Brinley tells Dr. Phil about life at home with her two children. On Monday, will she choose her husband or children? You can find local listings on the internet. A woman tells Dr. Phil that her husband left one of their babies in a hot garage.
A Brooklyn man who lived two miles from where the remains were found was identified as the person who was bound and gagged under the Coney Island boardwalk. The body of Arnold Mishiyev, 30, of Seagate, was found behind a wall under the boardwalk. A group of homeless men.
Most of the 600 people found hidden in the back of two trucks in eastern Mexico were from neighboring Guatemala, the National Migration Institute said on Saturday. The INM said there were 609 people from 11 countries, with most of them coming from Guatemala, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, Bangladesh, and Nicaragua. The people would either be deported or given the chance to stay in Mexico regularized.
Police entered the campus of Little Elm High School in Texas to calm things down after a protest over a sexual assault allegation.
State and local law enforcement would be able to recognize military court protective orders.
The Capital-Journal.
Seaman students wore red on Friday in support of the removal of their schools namesake, Fred Seaman.
The public university put a professor on administrative leave because of the uproar over their research into people who are sexually attracted to children. You can subscribe for free.
Kyle Rittenhouse traveled to Wisconsin in 2020 to protest over the police shooting of JacobBlake, who was partially paralyzed.
The protest in Portland, Oregon, was declared a riot by the Sheriff's Office after protesters smashed windows and threw objects at police officers.
Whittemore Elementary School was built in the early 1950s to defy efforts to integrate public schools. We should not forget.
The disappearance of Don Lewis, the husband of Carole Baskin, was uncovered in Tiger King 2. Find out what she said about it.
A fight broke out among students at a fast food restaurant. The school district's leader was angry.
Millennium Park was abuzz with excitement Friday as the city's tradition of an in-person tree lighting returned with the108th annual City of Chicago Christmas tree lighting.