Trump is looking to oust Alabama's Republican governor over a canceled summer MAGA rally: report

According to The Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump is trying to oust Kay Ivey from office because he dislikes her for the canceled rally.

The former president wanted to hold a July 4 weekend rally in Mobile in order to engage with his supporters who continue to back his "Make Again Great Again" political agenda.

The event was scrapped because local officials were concerned that the gathering would be too political since it would be held at the Battleship Memorial Park.

After the request was made, there was contact with the Republican Party and it became apparent that it was going to be a partisan political event.

In August, Trump held a rally in Alabama, but he is still upset with the decision made by the Alabama Battleship Commission.

According to advisors who spoke with The Journal, the former president is considering endorsing a former US Ambassador to Yugoslavia in a potential Republican gubernatorial primary if she succeeds in her bid for the Senate.

The governor's spokeswoman told The Journal that she played no part in the decision to nix the July rally.

It would benefit Trump politically if he were to convince Blanchard to switch races and run for the open Senate seat.

He threw his support behind his former chief of staff, saying she was the "best-qualified candidate to come along in a long time."

Since becoming governor in 2017, she has been a reliable Trump supporter.

The governor signed a letter in May of last year in favor of the then-president getting the peace prize.

It isn't often that presidents follow through on their promises; yet, President Trump is proving time and again that he isn't like most presidents. She said in a statement that she was thankful for the president's efforts to ensure that the world is a safer place.

The governor of Alabama posted a series of photos on her social media accounts that showed her greeting the former president when he was in the state.

"I was thrilled to welcome President Trump back to Alabama, and I believe that his America First Agenda is something that we believe in here in Alabama," he said.