WATCH: A Florida representative was booed on the House Floor after calling Biden's spending bill 'Build Back Broke'

The Florida Representative referred to the spending bill as "Build Back Broke" and was booed on the House floor.
Some of her Republican colleagues designated her to vote against Biden's spending bill, and she did so.
"As a member voting 'hell no' on this bill, and the member designated by Ms. Letlow of the state of Louisiana, I inform the house that she will vote no on H.R. 5376."

After she was met with boo's, Cammack stopped her speech to request that Nancy Pelosi call the House to order.
The congresswoman is on November 19, 2021.

The bill was referred to as a "dumpster fire" by Cammack.
The nearly $2 trillion social spending bill was passed by the House on Friday morning and will set up universal pre-K for toddlers and extend cash payments to most American families for another year. The bill will expand Medicare, give paid family and medical leave, and issue caps for some prescription drugs.

The bill, which will be paid for largely by tax hikes on the rich and large firms who pay little to nothing in federal taxes, went to the Senate. There is an uncertain future as Sen. Joe Manchin has not committed to backing the bill.