The new membership offered by the company is called "Umbreo One". You can sign up for 50% off right now, and maybe it will be offered as a limited time credit card perk in the future.
What are the benefits of the car sharing service?
The following perks are offered by a membership in the company.
5% off eligible rides and orders.
Being matched with top-rated drivers.
If the latest arrival estimate is wrong, you will get $5 in cash from the ride-sharing company.
Delivery fees on eligible food orders are free.
Premium member support, special offers and promotions, and invite-only experiences are available.
How much does it cost to join the app?
In the long run, the price of anuber one membership will be either $9.99 per month or $99.99 per year. You can pay just $49.99 for an annual membership if you sign up by November 29, 2021. The membership costs just $4.17 per month, so it is quite a low price.
Premium credit cards have offered complimentary perks in the past. I am curious if we could see a perk for the ride-sharing service on some cards in the future.
The new pass is called the One.
The new pass is called the One. Many of the same perks, including savings on deliveries, were offered by the same pass. I think this is a net positive.
If you sign up for a one year membership now, you'll get the same price, but it's much cheaper.
At the start of their next billing cycle, the members of the pass will be switched to the One service.
5% savings on eligible rides, as well as a new Uber Cash credit if your delivery is delayed, are included in the perks offered by the new iteration of the company.
I think it makes sense for the ride hailing company to better integrate its platform with its delivery platform, given that both have competitors. For example, I use both the delivery service and the ride-sharing service for my deliveries. I would be more likely to use the services if there were more perks.
Is it a good deal?
If you get in on the $49.99 or $99.99 annual pricing, the math will work out differently.
If you save 5% on rides, you can breakeven on $83 per month worth of rides, which is more than the cost of a month's worth of groceries.
If you got value out of the pass, then you should sign up for the one that is half price right now.
The value is pretty good.
The bottom line.
The new membership is called One and it replaces the old one. This is a logical direction for the company to go, as the perks of the other services weren't well integrated. If you take rides with the company on a regular basis, I think it would make sense to sign up for the service.
What do you think of the ride-sharing service?
Ben is the founder of OMAAT.