The original theatrical cut of "Zack Snyder's Justice League" did not include a scene withSamantha Win.
"Zack Snyder's Justice League" was shown on HBO Max.
Since she wasn't involved in reshoots, she wasn't expecting her scenes to be different.
Win told Insider that she felt differently about women in the film.
"Justice League's" theatrical debut was four years ago this week.
The film's release caused fans to rally around a mythical cut of the film from the original director, who stepped down after the death of his daughter. The film was heavily re-shot and was criticized by critics and fans.
The four-hour vision of the film was finally released on HBO Max to rave reviews from both critics and audiences for its stark differences.
One of the biggest changes in the film is how it portrays its female characters. There are more than a dozen cringeworthy moments directed at Wonder Woman, Lois Lane, the Amazons, and more in the new version of the movie by Joss Whedon.
The "Snyder Cut" shows women's strength in each scene.
In May, Insider asked the actress about the differences between the two films, and she said that the two films were very different. Win plays one of the Amazon warriors in the films. She died protecting Queen Hippolyta from Steppenwolf, the film's villain.
In "Justice League", Euboea's death is compared to in "Zack Snyder's Justice League"
I almost thought that the performance I gave was what the story was, because they used a lot of what I had filmed, but it just looked different than I thought. The connection was not as strong. I wasn't feeling it as much.
Steppenwolf was sexualizing the Amazons while trying to acquire the box in the theatrical cut. They were knocked around and looked like they were on the run from a monster who was excited by the chase.
The Amazon queen is challenged to try and outrun Steppenwolf in the film. Steppenwolf is overwhelmed by the might of the Amazons. He cries out "No!" when he sees the Motherbox out of his grasp.
When Whedon took over the film, Win didn't return for any reshoots. She thought her scenes would look similar when she heard about the Justice League.
That wasn't the case.
Win said that it was surprising to him how different it was.
The focus of the cut was on the Amazons, rather than Steppenwolf, who was seen as a predatory creeps in the theatrical release. It looks like he's at the mercy of these god-like warriors.
"Zack Snyder's Justice League" restored a few moments with Euboea, where Hippolyta saved her and the two horses to escape before she died. When you see her slip away, there is more of an emotional attachment to the character's sacrifice.
There is more time spent with Win's character.
The film pays tribute to the fallen warrior when Steppenwolf escapes.
I felt the connection with the queen more in the version of Zack that I have. Win said that he felt like it meant more. The significance of my character, Euboea, was put into perspective. It felt more significant and symbolic for all of the women on the island, instead of it being a random death.
There is a shot that is not seen in the movie "Justice League".
Win said that he didn't know that it could be like that. It was a pleasant surprise. I didn't know what to think until I watched it and I felt better about myself and my performance, but also I felt a lot different about the women in the movie. It reinforced the idea that the eyes and the director are so important.
The line where Steppenwolf declares that all of the Amazons will love him was cut from the film.
The Steppenwolf dialogue is in a movie.
Win acknowledged how the line delivered a change in tone, but she didn't catch that difference while watching.
Win repeated Steppenwolf's dialogue. It's a huge red flag that we've all met men like that. It's not the greatest to put that into a character in a movie that children and young people are watching all over the world.
When Insider mentioned the restoration of the agency of every female character in "Zack Snyder's Justice League" to the director earlier this year, he mentioned his wife and producing partner, Deborah.
"My partner is a very strong woman herself and I feel a huge responsibility to make sure that the female characters are represented with dignity and honor, and I do my best to do that," he said.
Dave J Hogan is a photographer.
Bruce Wayne is told by the Martian Manhunter that he's here to help the Justice League save the world from an impending apocalypse in the final cut of "Justice League".
The original plan was for the director to make two more films to finish the five-film saga, but that is not currently happening. After the March release of "ZSJL", WarnerMedia Studios CEO Ann Sarnoff told Variety there were no plans for a sequel.
When asked if he would be happy if he could restore the SnyderVerse, he said that Warner Brothers were not interested in his take on the DC universe. That's not speculation. They say that.
In an interview with Vanity Fair, the writer and director talked about much of his planned sequels. The plan was on display in an official exhibit in Texas at AT&T's Dallas headquarters.
At the moment, he is busy at the streaming service. His zombie universe is alive and well. "Army of Thieves" is a spin-off of the film and is one of the most popular movies on the streamer. "Rebel Moon," which he co-wrote, will be filmed early next year.
Insider said in April that fans would keep asking for the restoration of the SnyderVerse as long as it was of interest to him. For the four-year anniversary of the film's theatrical release, the director shared a photo of a clapboard on Vero, his preferred social media platform, keeping hope alive for a potential restoration of the film one day.
The original article is on Insider.