UK’s warmer, wetter weather sparks bumper year for mushrooms

The UK is having a bumper year for mushrooms due to the warm, damp weather, with an increase in the number of rare and unusual species identified.

Scientists say that Britain's climate changes will become more common as a result of a boom in the number of fungi sent in by members of the public.

This year has been particularly busy for people seeing fungi and sending them in to the fungarium.

If climate change means warmer and wetter summers, we will get lots of weird and wonderful fungi fruiting in people's gardens.

For the first time in history, a fresh sample of the rare orchard toothcrust has been given to Kew.

Davies said that it likes old traditional orchards and fruit trees are very rare these days.

A lady had a tree in her garden that had a fungus on it. We thought it could be that she sent us photos. Our mycologists have confirmed that it is.

Scientists are taking mushroom samples from the public to sequence their genes in the hopes of finding new species and making discoveries. Davies wants gardeners to send samples of their weird fungi to the lab.

It is rare for this species to have a nice fresh specimen, so we will do a full genome sequence on it. There is a push to get every living thing in Britain to have their genomes mapped so we know what we are.

A mushroom is at the Garden Harlow Carr. Samuel Booth is the photographer.

We could make new and novel medicines from this. You can collect 10 specimen from the same species, but you have to sequence the DNA to find out you have more than one species.

The Royal Horticultural Society has received a lot of inquiries about strange fungi. The team at the garden near the lake have found a rare tiered tooth fungi that is normally found in southern England.

Jassy Drakulic, its fungi expert, said that the changing climate would mean that interesting fungi would grow in different areas, but also warned that gardeners might get more pests attacking their plants.

She said that the range of warm-loving fungi will be increased and that the range of trees and plants will change.

The jelly-ear, a fruit of the Auricularia auricula judae, is now seen on many different types of wood, as a result of climate change.

She warned that the changing climate would boost some of the damaging fungi. She said that the dry summers in the south will make honey fungus a bigger problem for gardeners as plants are less able to defend themselves against root rot caused by Armillaria species.

Some of the timing changes are not just by a few weeks but the whole season. It would make sense that this could have an impact on the other wildlife that depend on these fungi for food and habitats.

The strange fungi that have grown at the Harlow Carr site are being showcased by the RHS, and they are inviting the public to come and see the different types, including the shaggy inkcap, bright red fly agarics, and a crop of orange spectacular rustgills.