Kevin McCarthy's rant went far beyond President Joe Biden's bill, which he sought to delay if not stop, morphing into a series of complaints about what's wrong with the country and the Democrats who control Washington.
The congressman is running for re-election in a district that includes part of Mecklenburg County.
In January, lawyer Cleta Mitchell joined a phone call with then- President Donald Trump as he pressured Georgia's top election official to find enough votes to overturn his defeat in the state. The appointment of her to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission's Board of Advisors shows how once-fringe "election integrity" activists are trying to gain footholds in U.S. institutions in the run up to next year's congressional elections.
The White House said that Vice President Harris became the first woman and Asian American to become president after President Joe Biden had a routine colonoscopy. Harris, the first Black and South Asian vice president of the United States, became the commander in chief for nearly an hour and a half. White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in a statement that Harris took on presidential duties in her West Wing office while Biden went under anesthesia for a procedure.
I do not represent causes. Defense lawyer Mike Richards said that he represented clients.
In reference to Rittenhouse, Jen Psaki said Biden doesn't believe invigilantes patrolling our communities with assault weapons.
The "Hawkeye" star told Men's Health that he was warned not to push back against the studio because his daughter was his top priority.
The judge said people like John were suffering consequences because politicians fed them lies.
Rittenhouse was found not guilty of all charges related to the shooting of three people.
Finn Wolfhard was 14 years old when the allegations against his agent came to light, and he broke his ties with him immediately.
The judge presiding over the case said this week that he'll reconsider televising cases in the future.
The former president's new picture book is going for $74.99 and $2299.99, respectively.
Sean Penn arrived in Ukranian due to concerns about a build up of Russian forces nearby.
The website for Rittenhouse's legal fees will be open for new donations now that he has been acquitted.
The Democrats' social spending plan, the Build Back Better Act, was to be voted on by the House.
KERO is in Bakersfield.
There was no verdict today in the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. The jury is considering whether the 18-year-old is guilty of being involved in the deaths of two men and the wounding of another last summer.
Biden is boasting about bipartisanship while Republicans are scheming election theft.
The GOP doesn't have a path forward without Donald Trump, according to the party's leader.
The founder of Public Enemy called on Live Nation to take responsibility for the incident. Chuck D wrote an open letter after the Astroworld tragedy.
Paul Gosar has a history of dabbling in conspiracy theories. Critics say his censure was due.