In April, the captain of a cargo ship, Dan Sandu from Romania, passed away.
The Wall Street Journal reported that crewmates had to put Sandu's body into the ship's walk-in freezer, but they didn't expect it to stay there for six months.
The son told the newspaper that they wanted to get their father home. How can this happen in 2021?
It's off the infections.
Sandu's body never made it to the mainland. Many governments don't allow the offloading of a crew member that passed away due to fears that the body could still be infectious
According to the WSJ, bodies are still sailing the seas on board ships for thousands of miles, with crews hoping to find a home for them.
The professor of maritime law at London's City University told the paper that dead people have no rights. It's a huge problem and it reflects poorly on our common humanity.
Sandu's body was finally laid to rest in a small village in October, half a year after his death.
The ship's captain died at sea. His body was in the freezer for six months.
More on cargo ships.
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