The partial lunar eclipse on Friday night, which is also known as the flower moon, will be a challenge for many people to take a good photo of.
The moon will always appear as a small glowing dot in the frame if you don't have a long lens.
It is difficult to shoot at night. Professional cameras allow you to change your ISO or sensitivity rating, which means you can shoot in low light situations without losing the quality of the image.
Can you use your phone camera?
The short answer is yes, but I would suggest that you download an app and shoot the moon through it, instead of using the camera on the phone. You can shoot in low light with some apps. I would suggest that you capture the moon as it goes past, so that you can see the beautiful bridge or mountain. The viewer can see the size of the moon and create a more interesting image.
A plane is silhouetted by the rising super moon as it approaches Louisville international airport in Kentucky. The person is Charlie Riedel/AP.
You might be a little disappointed with the outcome even with these apps.
The longer the zoom lens, the better it is for taking an amazing image of the moon. You can use a cable release or a two-second delay timer to release the shutter, as well as a professional camera and a tripod. The camera won't shake when hitting the button. It allows you to increase the size of the moon in the frame while keeping the image as sharp as possible.
The full moon is visible in Buenos Aires.
A Supermoon is visible behind the Magna y Las Cuatro Regiones Argentinas monument.
The super moon rises in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 26, 2021.
The camera you are using will affect your settings. The ISO should be set to 100 to keep the image quality at its highest. The largest file size your camera has can be set to Raw.
When shooting the moon, aim for around f8.
Who gets the best pictures of the moon?
Matt Cardy shot this image at the festival.
There is a supermoon behind the Glastonbury Tor in England. Matt Cardy is a photographer.
Cardy used his composition and focal length to create an impact frame. The size of the moon makes it look like it is floating on top of people.