Only people under the age of 5 years old can't get the COVID-19 vaccines.
They should not have to wait too long, says Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Fauci told Insider that it will be available to them in the first quarter of 2022, but he admitted that there's no way to know for sure.
He said that the clinical trial was the only way to guarantee it.
Pfizer is currently conducting vaccine trials for children, so it is likely that it will be the leader in the race to immunize babies and toddlers. Moderna is still in the recruitment phase for children in the 6 month to 6 year cohort, while J&J has had some regulatory delays, and is still testing its vaccine in 12.
Pfizer suggested earlier in the year that it might have an Emergency Use Authorization submitted to the Food and Drug Administration by late November for kids in the 6 month to 2 year old age group, and that the EUA for 2 to 5 year olds would be submitted alongside that of the 5 to
Pfizer hasn't submitted clinical trial data for kids under 5 yet. It can be difficult for vaccine makers to predict when a clinical trial will be completed because of the fact that many trial participants get sick during a study period.
At some point, COVID-19 vaccines will be recommended for all children, down to six months of age, or even younger. Studies show that babies born to mothers who are vaccine free have some protection against COVID-19 for their first few months of life.