The image is called "chorus image" and is on thecdn.vox-cdn.com.
The News Feed is being changed again.
Alex Castro is the illustrator for The Verge.
Meta said it is testing new ways for users to personalize their News Feed. A small percentage of users will be able to adjust their preferences to increase or decrease the amount of content they see from specific friends, family, groups, and pages they are connected with on the platform.
The News Feed on Facebook has been changed many times in the past several years and seems to be rethinking what content should be prioritized and why. In 2015, it said it was changing News Feeds to favor friends over brands. Facebook said in 2016 that it would change its algorithm to prioritize posts from friends over publishers. The News Feed was changed so that posts that might spark back and forth discussion would be more likely to appear.
What did Facebook do in 2020? The News Feed was changed again to favor more trustworthy and quality news sources. The News Feed was rolled back in December of 2020 to make it seem like it was a better version.
Facebook released a report in September that it said would give the public some insight into how it decides what content it suppresses, like clickbait and posts from those who repeatedly violate its rules.
Meta goes into a lock down.
The new test will allow users to turn down the volume on friends, family, pages, and groups in their News Feeds if they prefer. Meta said in the post that this was part of their work to give people more control over News Feed so they see more of what they want and less of what they don't. Sounds great! Again!
Changes to news controls for business customers will be made by Facebook, as well as expanding the "topic exclusion" controls to a test group of advertisers that run ads in English. Advertisers can choose from three topic groups to prevent their ads from appearing near posts about topics that they don't like.