Why the Biden administration just sold offshore oil leases, despite campaign pledge

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President Biden spoke at the Pemigewasset River Bridge in Woodstock, New Hampshire, where he said the new law marks the most significant investment to modernize our roads and our bridges in 70 years.

The Department of the Interior auctioned off leases to drill for oil in an 80 million-acre section of the Gulf of Mexico on Wednesday. The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management sold over one million acres to fossil fuel companies.

Hallie Templeton, legal director for Friends of the Earth, said in a statement that this morning was met with disappointment, hope, and shattered trust. The remaining parcels of the Gulf of Mexico will be given to oil and gas interests. Climate change and the serious environmental injustice posed to the Gulf's frontline communities are ignored in the decision. The administration ignored its authority to defer the sale and we are left with no other choice but to go to the federal court.

Environmental activists argue that the administration could have refused to move forward on climate change, even though President Biden has made action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions a centerpiece of his legislative and regulatory agenda.

The White House says it had no choice because of the court order. President Biden promised to end fossil fuel leasing during the 2020 campaign. This was a major concession to climate activists, who argued that the government shouldn't let public lands and waters be used to make climate change worse and to risk the other environmental impacts of oil and gas exploration.

Biden tried to stop fossil fuel leasing. In his first week in office, Biden issued an executive order suspending oil and gas lease auctions on federal land and water.

Louisiana and 12 other states took the administration to court, arguing that lease sales must continue. A federal district court judge in Louisiana ordered the administration to complete the sale.

The South Lawn of the White House is where President Biden is speaking. A mandel Ngan is pictured.

The Justice Department is appealing the sale, which the press secretary for Biden said was wrong. It is in a legal process. We have to comply with the injunction. It's a legal case and legal process, but it's important for advocates and other people who are following this to know that it's not aligned with our view, the president's policies, or the executive order that he signed.

Some environmental law experts think the administration had more options. Earthjustice filed a federal lawsuit in the D.C. Circuit Court, on behalf of Friends of the Earth, the Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity, that would force the administration to reverse course before the sales from the auction are formally completed.

Drew Caputo, a vice president of litigation at Earthjustice, told Yahoo News that there are three things the administration could have done to get out of the auction.

The court ruling is wrong and the first stems from that. If you write a five-year lease plan and have a lease sale in it, you have to go ahead with the lease sale.

The Trump administration delayed an oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico last year for economic reasons, according to Caputo.

He thinks the Department of Justice could have filed an immediate appeal and sought a stay from the appeals court. Caputo said that they didn't try to do that. After the judge ruled, they sat around for two months and then filed an appeal. They went all-in on the lease sale and never sought to accelerate or expedite the appeal.

Jen Psaki is the White House press secretary. Susan Walsh is associated with AP.

He said that the consequences of the sale have to be considered by the National Environmental Policy Act. It would be worse for climate change to cancel the sale than it would be to proceed with it.

Producing 1 billion barrels of oil would be better for climate change than not doing so, assuming that the oil not produced domestically will be imported from dirtier sources. When you decrease the supply of something, something happens to price that could affect demand, and that's what it ignores. Two federal courts have considered the same climate analysis in connection with two other oil and gas decisions and rejected it as absurd.

The Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act gives the president the ability to withdraw offshore areas from oil and gas leasing. In December of 2016 Barack Obama used his authority to withdraw most of the ocean from oil and gas exploration.

The same withdrawal authority could have been used by the Biden administration. They didn't do that either.

There is an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico. A picture of Omar Torres via agence France-Presse.

The Department of the Interior is complying with the decision of the US District Court regarding Sale 257. Interior is conducting a more comprehensive analysis of greenhouse gas impacts from potential oil and gas lease sales than ever before. Schwartz didn't respond directly to the arguments Earthjustice has put forth.

Critics think the administration is reluctant to fight hard against oil drilling at a time when it is feeling political pressure to appease centrist Democrats in Congress who hail from fossil fuel- producing states.

Caputo thinks that they need to give a little on fossil fuel development.

Caputo argued that climate change will get worse if the United States keeps fossil fuels in use.

He said that climate change is not going to sit around and wait for politics to improve.

Global temperatures have been rising for decades. You can see the magnitude of climate change by stepping inside the data.

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KERO is in Bakersfield.