Warner Bros. Games finally put to rest the rumors of a new fighting game with their announcement of MultiVersus. The announcement was a three-minute trailer showing off a healthy chunk of gameplay and some of the initial characters including Bugs Bunny, Steven Universe, and, curiously, Arya Stark.
MultiVersus is a free-to-play game that focuses on teamwork and social play. The strengths of the characters are matched with the strengths of the other characters. Steven Universe uses his shield to protect his partner in the video, while Wonder Woman uses her lasso to save her partner.
There are four-player free-for-all, ranked competitive ladder, and two-vs-two cooperative battles. MultiVersus will feature a seamless experience for players on multiple platforms.
There were rumors about MultiVersus earlier this year when an image of the roster was leaked. The image and De Biedma's video were taken down due to a copyright strike, fueling speculation that something was forthcoming from Warner Bros. Games.
MultiVersus will be available on Xbox, PS1, and PC in 2022.