Adrian Losko is an instrument scientist. Credit: Bernhard Ludewig.
A research team from the Technical University of Munich have developed a new technology. This technology could improve the resolution of neutrons by many times and reduce the amount of radiation exposure during X-ray scans.
The principle of using an image sensor instead of a piece of film is the same as it was 200 years ago. The process records the noise of the sensor. This is a significant source of interference with longer exposure times.
Adrian Losko and his colleagues at the TUM have developed a new method for measuring individual photons on a time-resolved basis. It is possible to separate the two things, greatly reducing the interference.
Adrian Losko is an instrument scientist at the NECTAR facility at the Technical University of Munich.
The individual photons are measured.
In the examination of dinosaur eggs, scintillators are used to detect the presence of neutrons. When the scintillator material absorbs a neutron, it creates light waves which can be measured.
The cameras have collected light during the entire exposure time, which has resulted in a lack of definition. The research team's new concept is able to detect individual photon generated by a neutron.
The camera has an image intensifier. The signals from the pink cable are sent to a high- performance PC for data analysis. Credit: Bernhard Ludewig.
A new chip technology, hardware and software that support computing speeds which enable real-time analysis was the prerequisite. Losko explains that this lets them create an image of a neutron. There is an ideal test and application field here.
Measuring exactly what happens instead of longer exposure times.
The new system can use coincidence measurement of several photons to determine individual neutrons, since the absorption of a neutron in the detector generated several photons. We measure only those events which have happened, and this takes away from the traditional model of exposure time.
The new concept is three times better at spatial resolution and seven times better at noise reduction than previous technologies. Losko says that this reduces the limitations resulting from the thickness of the scintillator, which means higher efficiency for high-resolution measurements. The afterglow of the scintillator is eliminated as well.
"Many of the instruments at the research neutron source reactor can benefit from our new concept," says Losko. He says that this would reduce the background noise by a factor of one million.
There are more details in X-rays.
The new detector can be used in medical fields. Fine structures such as fractured bones would be easier to detect when making an X-ray image, and the patient's exposure to radiation would be minimized.
Losko says that their method will change detectors. It is possible that similar principles will be used in everyday cameras for personal use. Exposure time and resolution would be adjusted after the exposure was made, and images would be greatly improved. The cameras could eliminate noise.
Losko et al, new perspectives for neutron imager through advanced event-mode data acquisition, Scientific Reports. There is a DOI of 10.1038/s41598-021-00822-5.
Scientific reports are in the journal.
The revolution in images with neutrons was retrieved fromphys.org on November 18.
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