You can see the dark patches behind the fabric. Does it feel wet? If it's not just sweat, it could be that water is soaking through and you need a new application of DWR.
Even new hardshell jackets can wet out after a long time in the rain. If you see dark, wet patches after a long time in a storm, it doesn't mean you need a new coating of DWR. Do a little detective work to find out. You can squirt the clothing with a spray bottle full of water to see if it's dry after you take it home. It's time for more DWR if it rains again.
First, clean the clothes.
Before re-waterproofing, you should wash your garments. It will help the DWR coating adhere better to the fabric. You can use a small amount of regular laundry detergent instead of buying a cleaning product that is specifically for technical outdoor clothing.
You should wash these separately from your regular clothing. You're ready to apply the DWR treatment after that. You can either spray or wash-in.
How to apply spray.
There is a photograph of gear aid.
There are spray-on options for gear Aid ReviveX Spray.
It's not good to breathe this stuff in if you choose to apply it outside. You can spray the exterior of the jacket or pants by hanging it on a hanger outdoors.
A jacket and a pair of pants are re-waterproof with one spray can. Don't waste it by spraying a particular spot on your garments, it's just barely enough. If you have any left after you finish, apply it to the areas that are most affected by the abrasion, such as shoulders, armpits, and the crotch/upper thigh area.
How to apply a wash-in.
If you're using a bottle of product, you'll want to use the DWR wash-in treatment in a top or front-loading washing machine. The best options are the Gear Aid ReviveX wash-in and the Grangers Repel wash-in.
If you don't have a washing machine, you can use a sink or bucket of warm water to apply the product. You can follow up by tossing the garments into a dryer set to a low-heat cycle to seal in the coating. You can check the instructions on the bottle.
How long will it last?
The factory-applied treatment lasts longer than the reapplications. You have to get used to checking your rain gear before you travel and apply DWR as needed. The areas with the highest impact are exposed to more abrasion and lose their waterproof coating sooner than others.
Long-chain perfluorocarbons were used for a long time in DWR treatments to create toxic byproducts that were disseminated into the environment as the product wore down. The DWR treatments we recommend use flourocarbon-free formulas. Synthetic chemicals can increase the life span of your clothes several times over, so you can save money on waste.
The DWR coating will wear off quicker if you use the garment a lot. There is no limit to how many times you can apply for DWR. If the clothing is in good shape, you can re-waterproof it over and over for years to come and save yourself from having to buy a new outfit.
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