Both Michael and Musk are billionaires.
Jim Spellman is in a pool.
Michael Burry has publicly bet against the company, warned that the stock is a bubble about to burst, and accused Musk of selling his company's shares not to pay taxes or appease regulators.
Musk dismissed the investor of "The Big Short" as a "broken clock" this week, as the investor of "The Big Short" irritated him. He took down his account after he deleted his last one.
Here are the 12 best tweets about electric-vehicles.
1. What do option traders have in common? "Rhys with Rubble."
2. I'm short $TSLA, but some free advice for a good guy. You should issue 25% of your shares at the current price. That is not dilution. You'd be cementing optionality. If there are buyers, sell that.
3. My last Big Short got bigger and bigger and bigger. Enjoy it while it lasts.
The system will not crash if the share price is below $100 by the end of the year. There is no response to the fall. It would end an era for certain types of investing.
Over the last six months, the correlation coefficients of $TSLA and $BTC are 0.951967. The impossible is what Elon dreams about. He wants to break the unity. The correlation is 1. He has history on his side.
6. The Chinese regulators summonedTesla on quality issues, but they bought $BTC. In my mind's eye, so much.
7. In the SF Bay Area, there are a lot of $TSLA vehicles. May need two hands to count them. Some of the people I know have gone back to ICE. I've talked to industry players. Remarkably similar to 1999 and 2006
8. Fads are like housing in 2007, and fiber/.com/comm/routers in 1999. The fall will be dramatic and painful because of the speculative fervor.
9. There is the matter of the tax-free cash he took out in the form of personal loans backed by 88.3 million of his shares at June.
10. Is it possible that $TSLA will fall 80, 90%? Many high flyers did after 2000. On May 1, 2020 he said that $TSLA is too high.
11. The true test is achieved without massive government and electricity subsidies on the backs of taxpayers who don't own cars.
12. "Let's face it,elonmusk borrowed against 88.3 million shares, sold all his mansions, moved to Texas, and asked if he should sell more stock." He does not need cash. He just wants to sell something.
The creator of a Michael Burry subreddit explains why The Big Short investor's selling spree is a huge red flag and why it's a major endorsement for the few stocks he has left.
Business Insider has an original article.