Climate change is a topic discussed by Neal Stephenson.
You have a large following and you could have written about the topic of climate change.
Masses have had a hard time understanding and grappling with things. Why did you want to do this for your next book? I am.
Scientists and people who are technically on the ball can have a hard time understanding the whole topic.
I write popular fiction and have a niche.
About technical subjects. I thought it was a good idea for me to try it. The billionaire is the center of the story.
A man decides to take matters into his own hands and use a big cell to engineer the planet. It was forgotten. What is it?
Is that really possible? There have been volcanic eruptions for a long time.
Sulfur was put into the high atmosphere. Over time, we've learned that when.
After a couple of years, the climate on the planet will get cooler. That stuff was kind of naturally.
The water washes out. We could build artificial volcanoes that do the same thing.
The sulfur was injected into the stratosphere. The purpose of solargeoengineering is to bounce.
It was 01:23 back. The solar radiation that's heating up the planet is very controversial and not everyone is on board.
The idea of doing this was brought up. It was more of a story to tell for me as a storyteller. It's not just.
It's about how other people react. There are a number of billionaires.
Trying to take on climate change as well. What do you think about billionaires? I know.
They are both based in Seattle. Should we welcome them as a society? It's.
We now look to billionaires to take big actions for us. You know if.
50 years ago, that was true. It is true that a lot of our institutions are possible.
We looked to the 50s and 60s to take care of our problems.
Big companies don't seem to be playing that role anymore. We've got in the habit of leaning on.
To do that is a lot of money. I don't think that's an ideal way to organize.
A society. It is what we have ended up with. My point of departure for writing this book is that. So coming.
Do you think we're going to see governments and companies come together?
Climate action, governance, and real people like your character T.R. Schmidt are possible.
It matters to them individually. I think we'll see at least partial.
Some of the very good ideas and proposals that came out of COP 26 were implemented. I think that legitimate efforts are there.
It will be made to reduce carbon emissions and move towards a zero carbon emission economy. And that is all.
03:20 great. The more you do, the better. The issue is that.
If we stopped putting CO2 into the atmosphere today, the level of CO2 in the atmosphere would be dangerously high.
If we intervene and remove carbon from the atmosphere, high wouldn't go down. So when?
The tipping point for you. I know you are looking at 10 years out. When will the tipping point be? Twenty.
Five years ago. It's too late. You're saying. I think it's what we are.
Carbon capture is something to do now. I think it's all about carbon capture. It's all about that. I think it will be.
The biggest engineering project in human history is needed to pull CO2 out of the atmosphere.
We've been pumping into the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial revolution.
Back to a level that is safe. It is going to take us the rest of this century. Will the metaverse be ours?
Escape from climate destruction. I hope not because there is no escape. We need to focus on the physical world.
We need to get outside. There was no crash. 30 years ago, you came up with that term metaphors. What were you thinking then?
How do you define the metaverse today? What I imagined then was now called a Massive Multiplayer.
A large number of people can be in a 3D world and interact with each other. We've.
It was implemented in a lot of popular games. We know we can do this.
The other element that's coming along is implementing that not just on the screen of a P.C. or a game console.
There is a virtual reality headset. What do you think about the term tech companies use?
You said it. We've seen Facebook and Microsoft. What succeeds and what fails. I think the first thing to do.
What are these companies doing today? Right now.
There is no metaverse. Facebook is running some things.
They don't have a product that looks like it.
There is averse. Yeah. They won't be for a long time. So. Today we should focus on what actually exists. And.
We can take a look at this metaverse when they've built it. Do you think Facebook is trustworthy?
The time is 06:28now. Do you trust Metta to do this? It depends on what you mean. I'm also known as I. I think they'll.
Probably build something. I don't.
Their business model is all about getting people to use a free service.
There are free applications. You are basically using a free application.
They are giving labor to their product. You are building a product for free. And.
What they're selling is what you see. They're selling your information to advertisers.
Their actual customers. So. That is a business model that can lead.
There are less than desirable consequences. I would like to see them.
Change that before.
Implementing the same business model in a 3D environment.
The environment is 07:41 There is grave concern that the metaverse will replicate the worst of society.
On social media, it's often seen. If Facebook builds the metaverse, what are your biggest fears?
These devices can gather a lot of information. Even when you're just scrolling through a site.
Most people don't know that your phone or laptop is collecting a lot more information than they think. You know if that's true.
You look at a screen for a while. If you're a mouse, you might linger over a button.
If you don't press the button, they'll collect data about what attracted you.
Our headsets can gather a lot more data.
Our privacy is even more at risk in the metaverse than it is now. For sure. For.
It's 08:45sure. If the companies that build it keep using the same business model that we see in classic social media.
There are applications. Is your view of the future either positive or negative? We have a rough few decades ahead of us.
Climate and the breakdown in our kind of social institutions is what makes it so.
Democracy works. That we've seen as a result of the differing opinions.
I think it's a social media phenomenon. The bad actors are messing with things on the Internet. So.
You're a short term pessimist. Short term pessimist. I think so.
We're going to pull out of it eventually. Every time a new communication medium is introduced, you know.
It doesn't take long for bad actors to get onto it.
Use it to create trouble. Do you feel any responsibility? The term metaverse was put out.
There is a time of 10:00 there. I put it out there a long time ago. 30 years ago it was a plot device.
A book. I'm happy when people read my work and think it's cool.
If it motivates them, then try to build something.
You know, work on a project that gives them fulfillment. That is all great. Obviously I do.
The direction these projects all go can't be controlled. In the 90s, you wrote a book about the topic of cryptanalysis. So it's all about the currency, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the currency of the universe, the
There is agnome icon. Where is it going?
It was all based on an idea of a pre block chain idea.
You had to have a secure facility where you could keep your server. That was kind of.
Government interference is immune. I had to send my nerd characters out into the world.
These facilities are to be built in different parts of the world. Block chain was what we ended up with.
You don't need that. They found a mathematical scheme that distributes the system around the world.
There is a new generation of how cryptocurrencies works.
That's more capable than what I said. It's kind of interesting, like I kind of follow it.
I can't keep up with all of the different initial coin offerings.
There is a work of woodwork.