Our latest look at Spider-Man: No Way Home is here, and it shows that Peter Parker has a whole new set of enemies to contend with in his latest superhero movie. We can speculate on what secrets are in the new trailer for Spider-Verse.
The trailer opens with a rain-drenched, bloodied Peter Parker. Peter says that he has been bitten by a spider ever since.
In the first trailer, we see that Peter was talking to Zendaya, who asked him if it was better that the world knew he was Spider-Man. Pete, that week you had to fight your father figure and stop London from being blown up by drones with guns? How was that normal?
We fade back into new material of Peter visiting the Sanctum Sanctorum after a few more shots of Peter and MJ. We saw the aftermath of the meeting with Doctor Strange in the last trailer. He blames a teenager for a whoopsie because he was very excited to do it. When you messed up the spell where you wanted everyone to forget about Spider-Man, we got some visitors, Strange said.
What kind of visitors? The kind of people who don't bring a gift when they step into a new reality unless it's an incendiary device. There is another extended glimpse of a shot from the last trailer, of one of the Green Goblin's, and as we will see later, there could be more.
Strange emphasizes, "From every universe." The universe is obligated by the deals between Sony Pictures and the other studios. Peter is in a battle with a bolt of lightning. This is a new villain, played by Jamie Foxx, and Peter is in a new suit. As we will see later in the trailer, this suit was given to Doctor Strange as a gift, and it was called the "Black and Gold" suit.
Peter is going to battle the returned Doc Ock in the next villain fight. This time we get more than a hello.
Ock has Peter's Iron Spider-suit wrapped around him, so he has to peel it off when he strikes his chest. Ock says that Otto Octavius is us and that you are not Peter Parker. The metallic arms of Ock now have red accents, unlike the scenes on the highway above. It seems like the good Doctor has found a way to remove some of the armor material from the Iron Spider suit and make his own, since the Iron Spider suit has been damaged in their fight.
It seems the fight goes back in Peter's favor, as we cut to him, MJ, and Ned, interrogating a now-captured Ock in what looks like it could potentially be an underground area of the Sanctum Sanctorum. Otto tells them his real name, and they laugh because it is what you do when you are in a superhero movie and have to deal with a name from the comic books. Otto Octavius was the guy who turned into a villain in Spider-Man 2.
In Doctor Strange, we see the Statue of Liberty getting an upgrade to become the sentinel of liberty, an addition of Captain America's shield, and a night sky with flashes of yellow over New York. Other Captains America are also available.
As we see that gift from him on Peter's new Black and Gold suit: a mystical armlet that glows with the runes of Strange's magic, it's clear that Peter is indeed. Peter has a device strapped to his chest that appears to hold a video feed of Ned and MJ. Why are they watching him fight?
So... This is terrible! As we return to the Sanctum, we find the Sorcerer Supreme to be a big douchebag to some kids. He did the spell in the first place. At least he gets to insult them and send them on their way.
There was a shot from the last trailer of dust and lightning that kicked up a storm around police cars and news vans. This is a different logo than the ones we saw in Far From Home, but the extended shot gives us a very excited J. Jonah Jameson, so this is the MCU iteration of the outlet. You are flying out into the dark. Otto growls, as we see the storm split into separate dust clouds and bolts of electricity, which is the combined work of Electro and Sandman. A.k.a. Sandman. Thomas Haden Church is rumored to have returned to reprise the role ofFlint Marko, who appeared in Spider-Man 3.
Otto was cut back to his imprisonment under the Sanctum. When Peter asked what he meant, Strange said that they all die fighting Spider-Man. It is their fate.
Peter is trying to catch a pumpkin bomb before it explodes. The entrance and cars that were previously outside the building were torn apart by the explosion, and this appears to be inside the building. The villains are trying to attack here.
Back under the Sanctum, Strange apologizes to Peter, who in turn apologizes back before he tries to steal the mysterious cuboid artifact we saw in the first trailer. We get to see an extended version of that shot from the first trailer, as Peter swings his way out of the Sanctorum, only to be caught by Strange and thrown into his Astral form. The box is what Peter and Strange need to send the villains back to their reality.
The first trailer shows Strange and Peter arguing over the fate of multiversal villains as they float on subway trains. Doctor Strange tells the young man that it is the only way to protect the universe if it means consigning these people to their deaths.
A few more quick shots. One of Aunt May's looks like she could be running through that lobby, Peter was trying to stop getting pumpkin bombed earlier. The other shows Ock attacking Peter and the red plating on his arms, making it look like it was from the Iron Spider suit.
The third act battle between Spider-Man and some kind of Sinister Sextuple is going to be pretty much what No Way Home is going to be about. In the movie, electricity forms a star-shape around his head as he lights up, revealing a very cute homage to the classic comics suit. It is interesting to note that this is very, very different from the design that Foxx had in Spider-Man 2, so maybe this is a new version of the same design. As he blasts, he says, "You're not going to take this away from me." Is Doc Ock going to attack? Ock seems to switch sides to help Peter stop the multiverse from being torn apart by the villains.
Peter pulls his mask down and flees on the Statue of Liberty. We will see a few better shots of it later, but it appears to be Peter's black-and-red design from the climax of Far From Home, with golden armor plates from the Iron. The material can be used with other items after we saw it happen with Ock's arms.
Peter and Strange are in their dream, Green Goblin has a new look, Peter thwacks from the Statue of Liberty, and a shot of him embracing MJ. The world tries to make you choose and you are struggling to have everything you want.
There is a very interesting shot of another Green Goblin. Well. Maybe. The design of this Goblin is very different from the ones we saw above the Highway, like the one in James Franco's "New Goblin" or the one in Dane DeHaan's "Amazing Spider-Man 2". The bombs are similar to the Raimi Goblin when they split into bladed boomerangs. The green light accents are more reminiscent of the style of DeHaan's goblin glider, but this person is wearing a hood and goggles, which is quite different from any we've seen before. Maybe this is a different version of the Goblin from the movie?
The Statue of Liberty has a magic that explodes from it. We see a tear through the sky in the trailer, and it's likely an attempt to re-open the Multiverse.
A terrible trio! There is also a Giant-Sized Sandman and a Spider-Man take on a man named CurtConnors. The beast. It is difficult to say if the actor is reprising the role he played in that movie, as we only see him in his lizard form.
In the aftermath of the pumpkin blast, Peter lamented to Aunt May that he couldn't save everyone. Looks like that attack takes out someone Peter knows.
It feels like a very oddly-framed shot when Peter jumps into action against Sandman. It is empty and only one person is looking at Peter. They are fighting different targets. Targets that have been edited out of the frame to make them look like they are not real have been done to protect certain identities. There are many rumors about the appearance of Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield in the Spider-Man movie. The actors can deny all they want, but it definitely seems like something is being hidden.
Not well hidden. If you watch the version of the trailer that was posted on the Sony Pictures Brasil account, you will see that it has a version of the shot that is about a second longer. Andrew Garfield was edited out of the picture. Is it wired? It'sMiles Morales using his camo abilities. Something is going on.
Peter dodges and weaves through scaffolding, the Captain America shield attached to Lady Liberty plummets, endangering Ned and MJ. It's even worse as Gwen is on us and slo-mo plummets to a certain doom. It rhymes like poetry.
Peter knows it is safer to lunge down and grab her than to shoot out a web. Maybe there is another person who told him to learn from their mistakes.
The trailer ends with a very intriguing shot. After the Statue of Liberty's scaffolding fell down, Strange and Peter saw purple tears in the sky. Peter asked what was happening, and Strange said he couldn't stop them. Now, if Green Goblin, Ock, and Electro are already here, then who is going to come through these new tears: foe or friend?
We get to see a lot more in this second look of No Way Home than we did in the first, but it is more in the visual sense. It is left to us to imagine what is left unsaid by this preview, most notably the rumors of what other visitors in the multiverse could do to Peter and his friends. No Way Home will be out in a month's time, so fans won't be able to see whether or not those rumors play out as they expect.
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