A strong password might not be our strong suit. The results of the annual list of the 200 most common passwords don't inspire much confidence. Four terabytes of data was evaluated byNordPass in partnership with researchers. The list was compiled based on how long it would take to be hacked and how many times a password was used.
The 10 most common passwords in the U.S. are usually a variation of the numbers one through 10. This may explain why our country is in the highest tier of passwords leaked per capita.
Don't feel bad. The UK's top 10 list is not much better. The inclusion of its beloved soccer teams is the only major difference. The password "liverpool" was ranked number three and number 10. Does it mean that there are more fans of the other team? This news will piss off fans.
"iloveyou" and "fuckyou" were both on the list of the most emotional internet users. "myspace1," "pokemon," and "princess" were some of the highlights. Let this be a lesson to us all that we are not all that different. Maybe it's time to get a stronger password.
The full list can be found here.
The top 10 passwords in the US.
3,572,081 times was the number of "123456"
"password" was used 1,730,765 times.
"12345" had a count of over one million times.
The number "123456789" was counted over 850,000 times.
"password1" had a count of 666,746 times.
610,867 times was the count for "abc123".
The number "12345678" was counted more than 400,000 times.
372,302 times was the count for "qwerty".
"111111" was counted 362,258 times.
The number "1234567" was counted more than 350,000 times.