Since August, when the Taliban took power in Afghanistan, electricity has been a problem.
Reports claimed that the country was still owing huge amounts of money to its power partners as its economy stalled.
Officials signed a new agreement with Iran this week that could provide relief.
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In the hope of avoiding a serious electricity crisis, Afghanistan's national power corporation plans to import electricity form Iran.
According to TOLO News, Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat announced a deal to purchase a 100-megawatt supply this week.
Since August's ousting of the US-backed government by the Taliban, Afghanistan's power network has been in unstable condition. Afghanistan imports most of its power and has mounting debts to neighbouring countries.
The Wall Street Journal reported in October that Kabul was experiencing winter blackouts. In the Taliban takeover, the former CEO of DABS said that it owed $90 million to Uzbekistan Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
He said that those nations would be right to stop power supply to Afghanistan because of non-payment.
Iran's deal offers the Taliban another way to get reliable electricity.
TOLO News was told by a spokesperson for DABS that imports were primarily focused on western Afghanistan. Kabul is located in the east, which is where the blackout threat was most severe.
Since the Taliban took power, Afghanistan's economy is in serious trouble. The group banned foreign currency use in Afghanistan earlier this month due to the country's dire economic situation.
The Taliban was prevented from accessing the overseas reserves that were accumulated by the previous government. This includes almost $10 billion in US-based Afghanistan's central bank.