Jim Skinner and Jody Gangloff–Kaufmann, entomologists, debunk 15 myths concerning pests.
They also discuss how resilient cockroaches can be and how to catch mice.
They also disprove the myth that ticks can give you Lyme disease.
Jim Skinner and Jody Gangloff–Kaufmann, pest control experts, debunk 15 myths. They discuss the true causes of mosquito bites and how resilient cockroaches can be, as well as the best ways to catch mice. They also dispel the myth that ticks can all cause Lyme disease. Lyme disease can only be contracted by the black-legged tick, also known as the deer tick. It is usually not allowed to feed on you for longer than 24 hours.
Skinner is president and co-owner at A&C Pest Management. This pest-management company specializes in green solutions. Skinner has more than 35 years experience in pest management, including termites, termites, rodents and wasps.
Gangloff-Kaufmann coordinates community integrated pest management (or IPM) at Cornell University's New York State IPM program. Since over 20 years, she has been helping others learn about tick surveillance and bedbugs. Her IPM work is also promoted in schools, public places, and at home.