Some doctors and anti-vaxx groups are calling for borax baths to be used, NBC News reports. This is in an attempt to "undo" any covid-19 vaccines they have already received. According to some, the intended audience for the baths is those who regret having received the covid-19 vaccine after they have ingested misinformation. It is important to note that the vaccine cannot be reversed.
A video that was previously circulated on TikTok shows Dr. Carrie Madej, an internal medicine specialist, uttering the formula into a microphone. Her detox bath claims to remove radiation poisoning, pesticides and heavy metals. It also contains ingredients that have been mistakenly referred to as miracle cures. For radiation, she recommends baking soda (for the yeast), bentonite (for the fungus) and whole cups of borax (for nanotechnology). She says to scrub down, scrub, scrub down, scrub it down for 20 minutes. It should be as hot as you can tolerate.
Experts in health agree that toxic substances can only be absorbed through the skin. However, liquid nanotechnology is impossible because it is a fiction.
Borax is a strong cleaning agent that can kill cockroaches. It's not advisable to scrub your body with it. The National Library of Medicine has deemed borax a health hazard, and World Health Organization-affiliated researchers have found that, in high enough doses, it can cause nausea, convulsions, diarrhea, headaches, weakness, and drowsiness.
Madej's wider belief system is even more dubious. She says the vaccine is made up of liquefied nanotechnology, which programs human behavior with AI. This allows atheists to upload their consciousness to the cloud and "download them" into hologram avatars. (I won't link.) This is not enough to raise doubt. Madej claimed that she had figured it out before the vaccine was ever administered to the public. Madej couldn't study the vaccine and doesn't provide reliable sources for such information.
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Madej's video contributes to the flood of unmoderated misinformation about covid-19 that is circulating on social networks. This misinformation is prominently shared by doctors or people who claim to be doctors. This misinformation is literally killing people, even its supporters. NBC News reports anti-vaxxers also promote blood drawing and cupping as methods of vaccine extraction. TikTok shows numerous #vaccinedetox videos. There is also a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, and a variety of pantry items next to a bathtub. You can also find them on Instagram Reels. This interstitial shows a variety of vitamins, homeopathic remedies, and spray bottles.
TikTok appears to have removed the viral video. However, searchable reposts that were less popular are still available. Facebook still platforms Madej where she today posted that her Twitter account had been suspended.
The Center for Countering Digital Hate found that Facebook could eliminate 65% of vaccine misinformation if it removed 12 accounts. A related point is that one third of U.S. residents have reported that a close friend or family member has died from covid-19.
Gizmodo reached out to TikTok and Facebook for comments.