Science Weekly podcast is based in Glasgow. We are currently bringing you daily episodes from Cop26. Every morning, you'll hear from one member of the Guardian’s award-winning environment team. Today Science Weekly host Madeleine Finlay speaks to Fiona Harvey (Guardian's environment correspondent) and Damian Carrington (environment editor) about how Cop26 negotiations are progressing.
A draft of Cop26's key decisions was published Wednesday. This text will be the most important document to emerge from the climate summit in Glasgow. This summit will not produce a new climate treaty like the one in Paris in 2015. Instead, it will be a collection of resolutions and decisions that builds on the Paris agreement. This text could be completed today.
Madeleine Finlay, Science Weekly's host, talks to Fiona Harvey (Guardian's environment correspondent) and Damian Carrington (environment editor) about how Cop26 negotiations are progressing and whether 1.5C is still possible.