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Although it may seem patriotic and pure on the surface, the judge in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial could have an unjust impact on the trial's outcome.
Judge Bruce Schroeder, Kenosha WI, opened proceedings Thursday by stating that he wanted to remember Veterans Day. He wanted to know if any military veterans were present on the jury or in the courtroom.
John Black, a Rittenhouse defense team member, was the only person to respond. Judge Schroeder asked everyone in court for their support and they all did.
It's Veterans Day, and nobody is saying Black doesn't merit the respect. This begs the question: Black is the defense's expert on the use of force. Should the judge ask for applause? What do you think?
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Judge Schroeder's questionable act comes just a few days after he attacked the prosecutor for raising Rittenhouse's silence after his arrest to jurors... which they could interpret as a sign that he was guilty.
Fair enough, anyone who has any knowledge of law will know that you have the right to keep your mouth shut. So the prosecutor got his tongue-lashing.