Ilhan Omar speaks to media gathered at Mercado Central, Minneapolis, Minnesota, August 11, 2020. Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
Wednesday's conviction of Florida man for threatening three legislators was handed down.
Rep. Ilhanomar stated on Twitter that her office was one of those threatened with death.
He was also found guilty of calling another congressman, and threatening his head.
A man aged 73 from Venice, Florida was convicted of trying to threaten three members of Congress. Rep. Ilhan Olmar claimed she was one of those targets.
According to the US Attorney's Office for the Middle District of Florida, Frank Anthony Pezzuto was found guilty Wednesday of sending "three separate threats to injure certain congressional members," the jury ruled.
Pezzuto called E.S., the office of a congressman. According to the evidence at trial, Pezzuto called E.S., a congressman, and said he was coming for him on January 25, 2020.
Pezzuto called A.S. on January 30, 2020 to claim he was a member the gang MS-13. He also claimed that A.S. would be cut off by them, according to evidence.
The third call was presented as evidence to the office I.O., a congresswoman. on February 3, 2020. Pezzuto said to the person answering the phone: "Tell me she's going to die today."
Omar, a Democrat hailing from Minnesota, tweeted Wednesday that she had received the call.
"The use or incitement of violence in political speech is incitement. Members of Congress are constantly being threatened with their lives." It's enough! She wrote. "Today, a Florida man left this chilling message for my staff was convicted."
According to the US Attorney's Office, Pezzuto called from Florida using his cell phone. Although he kept his number secret, Capitol Police who investigated the case were able identify him as the caller.
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Pezzuto's sentencing day has not yet been determined. Pezzuto faces a maximum five-year sentence in federal prison.
Others in Congress also reported receiving threats of death and other violent messages.
Brendan Hunt, a Trump supporter from New York was convicted in April of threatening to murder lawmakers. He posted a January video titled "KILL YOUR SENSATORS: Slaughter all" during which Hunt said he would "shoot and kill" President Joe Biden.
Insider's Robin Bravender reported that Capitol Hill staffers received threatening and abusive calls this week from Republican representatives after they voted for the Democrats’ infrastructure bill.
GOP Rep. Fred Upton also voted in favor of the bill. He said that his office received an expletive-filled voicemail from his family this week, wishing death on his entire staff and family.
Business Insider has the original article.