The thyroid gland is an important part the endocrine system.
The endocrine systems is a collection of glands that make hormones. These are special proteins that regulate bodily functions. The body's internal chemical communication system, the endocrine system, sends messages through the circulatory system in the form hormones to all organs. Hormones regulate body functions such as metabolism, growth, development, tissue function and reproduction, as well sleep, mood, and sleep.
Function of the Endocrine System
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, the endocrine system consists of the hypothalamus and pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, adrenal glands, adrenal glands, pancreas, ovaries, and testes. These glands secrete hormones into bloodstreams for use in other parts of the body. Hormones circulate throughout your body but different hormones target different organs or tissues.
Here is a brief summary of the functions of each gland:
Gland Function The adrenal glands are located on top of the kidneys. They produce steroids such as corticosterone which help regulate stress levels and maintain homeostasis. Pituitary gland A small, bean-shaped gland located at the base the brain's surface is the pituitary. It secretes hormones that tell other glands to produce hormones. This gland controls the thyroid, adrenal, and testicles. Hypothalamus. The hypothalamus, a small gland located in the brain near the pituitary and thyroid glands, is the hypothalamus. It gathers information from almost all areas of the central nervous systems and releases hormones in return. This tells the pituitary which hormones it should send to other glands. The thyroid gland is located in the neck. It has a butterfly-shaped shape. It regulates all cells' metabolic activity. The four parathyroid glands, which look like spots on a butterfly’s wings, are located behind your thyroid. They regulate calcium levels. Pancreas: The pancreas, a long and flat organ located just behind the stomach, is called. It produces insulin which allows tissues and muscles to absorb sugar from the bloodstream. It also produces glucagon which breaks down fats to release sugars to increase blood sugar levels. Pancreatic juice is also produced by the pancreas. Ovaries Females usually have two ovaries. These are the female gonads which stem from their uterus. They are the primary female reproductive system, producing progesterone and estrogen, as well as other hormones such relaxin and inhibin. The male reproductive organs are called Testes Testes or testicles. They are found in the scrotum, a sac of skin. They produce hormones known as androgens that control the male reproductive system. Testosterone is the most popular androgen.
Other organs such as the liver, kidneys and heart have secondary endocrine functions that help the endocrine system. The main function of the kidneys, for example, is to filter blood. However, they also produce hormones that aid in red blood cell production. They also metabolize (or process) several hormones for other uses, as described in a 2018 Methodist DeBakey Cardiovascular Journal review.
Your body and mind are controlled by hormones produced by your endocrine system. Image credit: Ross Toro, Infographics artist.
Endocrine system diseases
Hormone imbalances or a body that does not respond appropriately to hormones can lead to endocrine system disorders. According to the National Institutes of Health, hormone levels can be affected by stress, illness, infection, or changes in blood composition. This could lead to endocrine disorder, which is known as the National Institutes of Health.
Here are some common endocrine disorders:
Diabetes: Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder in the United States. It occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, the hormone that regulates blood glucose. Diabetes can be treated with insulin injections or pills.
Diabetes is the most common endocrine disorder in the United States. It occurs when the pancreas doesn't produce enough insulin, the hormone that regulates blood glucose. Insulin injections or pills are used to treat diabetes. Reproductive hormone disorders: Long-term effects of hormonal imbalances on fertility, metabolic, cardiovascular, and bone health can be caused by these hormones. According to the University of British Columbia, polycystic Ovary Syndrome in females can be caused by hormone imbalances. This causes irregular periods and fertility loss. Low testosterone in men can lead to low energy, decreased strength, and libido as well as increased risk of low bone density.
Reproductive hormone imbalances may affect fertility and have long-term consequences on your metabolic, cardiovascular, and bone health. According to the, polycystic Ovary Syndrome in females can be caused by hormone imbalances. This can lead to irregular periods, acne, and fertility loss. Low testosterone in men can lead to low energy, decreased strength, and lower bone density. Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone to satisfy the body's needs. Hypothyroidism can lead to many body functions being slowed or stopped completely due to insufficient thyroid hormone. Surgery is performed to remove the affected part of the gland.
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn't produce enough thyroid hormone to satisfy the body's needs. Hypothyroidism can lead to many body functions being slowed or stopped completely due to insufficient thyroid hormone. Surgery is performed to remove the affected part of the gland. Thyroid cancer: The thyroid gland is the first place where thyroid cancer occurs. It starts when cells in the thyroid start to grow, change and then eventually become a tumor. According to a 2020 review published by Nature Reviews Endocrinology, the incidence of thyroid cancer worldwide increased by 20% between 1990 and 2013. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be around 44,280 new thyroid cancer cases in 2021. There will also be approximately 2,200 thyroid cancer deaths in the United States.
Thyroid cancer starts in the thyroid gland. It occurs when cells within the thyroid start to grow abnormally and change and then eventually develop into a tumor. According to a 2020 study published in the journal, the incidence of thyroid cancer worldwide increased by 20% between 1990 and 2013. According to the American Cancer Society, there will be around 44,280 new cases and approximately 2,200 deaths due to thyroid cancer in the United States. Hypoglycemia is also known as low blood sugar or low blood glucose. It occurs when blood glucose levels drop below normal. Hypoglycemia is usually caused by excessive insulin intake. However, the Mayo Clinic states that this condition can also be caused by diabetes treatment.
What does an endocrinologist do?
Endocrinologists, often gynecologists or pediatricians, are medical doctors who specialize in one or two areas in endocrinology such as infertility or diabetes. These specialists are trained to diagnose and treat specific disorders. Endocrinologists are often referred by primary physicians to patients.
A student must attend college and complete an internal medicine degree before becoming an endocrinologist. This process can take approximately 13 years in the United States before they become American Board of Internal Medicine certified.
Additional resources
The National Institutes of Health has more information about endocrine disorders
The Merck Manual contains extensive information on the endocrine systems
Here's a Khan Academy video that explains how hormones move through the body.
This article was last updated by Sarah Wild, Live Science Contributor.
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