It has been four years since The New York Times published an explosive article that revealed a shadowy program operated by the US military. They were charged with investigating UFO encounters and provided several videos of the purported encounters.
Since then, several pilots have spoken out to describe what they saw. They often described the objects as strangely-shaped objects that seemed to defy gravity as they flew through the air.
Luis Elizondo, a former Pentagon intelligence officer who claimed to be a whistleblower about UFOs, has spoken out publicly about his experiences. However his credibility has been challenged at times.
Elizondo stated that pilots who encountered the craft experienced physical symptoms in a recent interview with GQ. However, his words were unclear.
"I have to be cautious, I can't talk too specific, but you might imagine getting a report from pilots who say, 'Lue it's really strange. It was a flight and I was very close to the thing. I returned home feeling like I had sunburned. He said that he was red for four days.
An ex-intelligence officer had his own interpretation.
He said, "Well that's a sign radiation." It's not a sunburn, it's radiation burn.
Elizondo went so far as to say that pilots also experienced "warping space time", only using "five minutes worth of fuel" despite the fact that 30 minutes had passed.
He told GQ that the closer one gets to one of these vehicles, "the more you might begin to experience space-time relative to the vehicle's environment."
He also stated, Tantalizingly and in a similar manner, that there were even more videos of strange phenomena.
Elizondo stated to GQ that there are videos in government that people have not seen -- one that is 23 minutes long. "There is another video where the thing is only 50 feet from the cockpit."
Stay tuned, not for UFO evidence but for drama.
Elizondo said, "We're going be sharing information a lot more. I think people might be surprised at how much information is owned on this topic in other countries."
READ MORE: For a decade, this man managed the Pentagon's secretive UFO Program. We had some questions [GQ]
NASA Head Says UFOs Could be Alien Technology
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