Associated Press
Texas Governor. Greg Abbott stated that shipping containers would help to form a temporary Mexico wall.
Abbott signed into law a border security bill worth nearly $1.8 billion in September.
Due to supply chain snarls, shipping containers have been a hot commodity in the last year.
Gov. Greg Abbott stated to Fox News that the state uses empty shipping containers as a way to fill the gaps at the border between Texas, Mexico.
Although Abbott's spokesperson didn't respond to Insider's request for comment, he told Freight Waves trade publication Freightwaves that the state started repurposing shipping containers in October.
Tucker Carlson was told by Abbott that they began dropping large containers, which you can see on 18-wheelers. "We're dropping them on areas that could be crossings that could be used by these caravans as a blockade, to stop them from crossing the border."
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According to Abbott's plan, the state will also deploy thousands of National Guard soldiers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers, and use vehicles as barriers and put up additional razor wire along the southern border.
It is not known how many shipping containers will end up being used, or how they were supplied.
Abbott stated in the past that barriers were needed for approximately 733 miles of Texas' 1,200 mile border with Mexico. The governor signed into law a border security bill worth nearly $1.8 billion in September. It included $750 million to build a wall between Texas, Mexico, and Texas. Abbott stated that he expected some parts of the wall to be up by December, even though the state hasn't completed any permanent sections.
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Container shipping has become a hot topic recently, due to consumer demand and a shortage in the containers that transport 90% of the world’s goods.
Over 500,000 containers are moored off the coast of Southern California and waiting to be unloaded. Thousands of empty containers block shipping yards and warehouses.
Business Insider has the original article.