Eight sea otters have been vaccinated against coronavirus at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, California.
Because they believe that they are susceptible to the virus, the zoo decided to vaccinate its animals.
Sea otters eat on the seafloor, so it would be difficult for them to survive if they were not able to breathe properly from COVID-19.
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California's aquarium has vaccinated eight sea-otters against COVID-19 since August.
"There is a lot evidence that these animals ferrets mink, otters, and others are susceptible," Dr. Mike Murray of the Monterey Bay Aquarium told the Seattle Times. "We have an obligation protect the animals's health."
The Times reported that each of the eight otters received three doses of vaccines over three weeks. Zoetis is a New Jersey-based company that manufactures animal drugs. They gave them the vaccine.
According to the Times, four of the otters, Ivy, Abby and Kit, are aquarium residents. The other four are rescues from wild mothers.
There is a risk that sea otters, which are considered endangered, will contract coronavirus. This could cause an epidemic and lead to a decrease in population.
Reports have surfaced that otters in the United States may have contracted the disease. An aquarium in Georgia reported that its small-clawed Asian otters had tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this year. The otters displayed various symptoms including coughing and sneezing.
Monterey Bay is thought to have been the first aquarium to inoculate sea otters against coronavirus. Murray reported to the Times that the otters have not had any adverse reactions to vaccine. He said, "They don’t seem to miss any beat."
Sea otters are able to dive into the ocean to search for food on the seafloor. If they become lethargic or cannot breathe properly, they will not be able to live.
Murray stated to the Times that the virus was respiratory. "A sea otter living in the wild is an Olympic-class swimmer. They will die if they are unable to touch the bottom. They must be able breathe properly to hunt.
Ohio's zoo plans to vaccine 16 species of animals. This includes Sumatran tigers, lemurs, and goats. After five of the zoo’s lions were found to be positive for COVID-19, the decision was taken. California's Oakland Zoo has also vaccinated mountain lions as well as gibbons.