Minnesota media reports that two bald eagles became entangled in a territorial fight, leading to their tangle.
Plymouth Police Department claims they were called to the scene Nov. 2, after someone discovered the two bald Eagles stuck together on a road. The odd sight was captured by the police department in photos. It appeared that the eagles were splooting on the street.
There's no way to predict what kind of call will come next for Plymouth police officers. Yesterday's call was about two bald eagles that were stuck together on a Plymouth road.
With a little assistance, the eagles were able to untangle themselves and flew away pic.twitter.com/3d9S9jpM1Z Plymouth Police, MN (@PlymouthMNPD) November 3, 2021
According to WCCO, Responding Officer Mitch Martinson was not sure what to do.
According to the Minnesota-based TV station, although we do have de-escalation strategies, I have never applied them to eagles and other animals. I was trying to figure out what the next step should be. I was trying to figure out who to call.
On Twitter, police said that the eagles were capable of untangling themselves with some assistance before they flew away.
Victoria Hall, executive director of University of Minnesota's Raptor Center, stated that the birds were probably brawling in the air before being entangled. KARE reported.
According to her, there are two periods of the year when this happens. In the spring, when pairs establish territories to prepare for breeding. And in the fall when some couples reclaim a territory (if they remain on the territory during winter) and begin adding sticks to strengthen its structure.
The Apple Valley Police Department of Minnesota responded to a similar incident in October 2019.
Police said that officers were called to the scene to help these birds, who were tied up and unable fly. They just need to be separated, kind of like children fighting. They went off as soon as we did.
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According to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, bald eagles usually congregate in Minnesota from early November onwards. This is part of their migration from northern summer to southern winter.
According to the department, significant numbers of baldeagles migrate south during this period. Many bald eagles choose to spend the winter in Red Wing and Wabasha, near the Mississippi River. Here the current of the Chippewa River keeps the river open all year.
Plymouth lies approximately 15 miles west Minneapolis and 65 miles west Red Wing.
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