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It won't be easy at first. It's easier to ignore these feelings and bury your head in sand than to confront them head-on. Refusing to acknowledge your emotions, and those of others, can lead to bigger problems later.
The first step of a larger process is to commit to being a leader with emotional courage. Ralph Waldo Emerson said that a great part of being courageous is having done it before. However, there are steps you could take to improve your leadership skills. This is a journey and not a destination.
Accept vulnerability and transparency, and be compassionate
Leaders might be tempted to keep their emotions private from their team members or colleagues working on their business. Openness and accessibility are key to authentic leadership. This includes sharing your problems and asking for help when needed. Your employees and team members will view you as a person, not as an authority figure.
Never try to dominate others, but rather to be an influencer. Don't be so focused on your ego. Be a positive, supportive leader instead. You will build a stronger team if you can be the bridge between your employees. Collaboration and morale will improve when you are compassionate.
Related: 3 Strategies to Think and Act Courageously
Receptiveness to feedback, positive and negative
While accepting criticism is important in any field of work, it is especially useful in software development. Coding code is similar to writing a book. No one wants their style or work to be criticized. You won't be able to produce quality products if you don't accept criticism. You won't be able to know what to do or where to improve. You will know what to keep and what you should get rid of.
Leaders must be open to criticism from colleagues and employees. This is an inevitable part of your job. You should not make others feel superior. It is the only way you can identify and work together to fix them.
Keep your wonder alive
The technology industry is all about looking into the future. All the great innovators, from Steve Jobs to Bill Gates have maintained a sense curiosity and wonder. They persevered when others would give up. Their success as tech and software developers was due to this.
You would be most successful if you were a persistent learner and innovator. It can be frightening to tackle new, challenging ideas head-on. Many novel ideas are. That is the essence of leading with emotional courage. It's about making leaps of faith. Research shows that curious people have stronger, more satisfying relationships.
Related: Emotional Intelligence Is the Secret to Leadership In Times of Crisis
Be humble
Humility is often overlooked but it can be crucial to emotional courage and leadership. Accept your imperfections and human nature. There are limits. There will be times when you don't get it right, or the answers to your problems. Humility does not mean having a low view of yourself and your capabilities. Humility is accepting your flaws and working to improve them.
You listen when you are humble. Accepting criticism and different opinions is a virtue. You are willing to give credit where credit is due. You will inspire admiration and confidence in your staff as a leader. Instead of looking inwards, and massaging your ego to make yourself look better, you should be humble and direct your energies toward the growth of your company.
Nearshore software development requires emotional courage
Nearshore software development companies can be a boon for U.S.-based businesses. This business model allows you to save labor overheads and increase efficiency while also reducing your company's overall costs. Nearshore software development gives you the ability to manage and control how resources are allocated. Other benefits include a lower operating cost, closer collaboration with your team, expansion into new markets, higher returns on your investment, and better communication. The most common issues with offshore software development include cultural and time differences, which can make it difficult to communicate in real-time. These issues can lead to work delays or legal problems. These problems are not present in nearshoring.
You can get the best from people
You react too quickly to emotions and don't respond well to criticisms or opposing views. Software development requires strong problem-solving and analytical skills. This applies not only to the work but also to how you relate to others. Good communication and interpersonal skills are key to a productive working relationship.
This is a key aspect of being a leader. Your employees will not feel that you are an uncaring authority figure or a lifeless robot. You can be compassionate, open-minded, humble, and open for new ideas. This sets the tone for your company.
Employees are aware that they can reach you for questions, concerns, and even personal problems.
Related: Common Misconceptions About Nearshoring