Criminals are making it even more difficult to obtain graphics cards as the chip shortage makes it impossible. Jacob Freeman, EVGA product manager, posted that thieves took a truckload of EVGA RTX 30Series graphics cards. At the time of the theft the graphic cards were being transported from San Francisco to EVGA's Southern California distribution center. It is not clear how many cards were stolen.
We will deal with any user who does acquire a stolen card.
You can check if you suspect you have a stolen card by entering the serial number of your card on EVGAs warranty status page. If you are able to properly register your card in the My Products section, you can be sure that your shipment was not stolen.
It is illegal to purchase or receive stolen goods. EVGA states that it will not honor warranty or upgrade claims for stolen cards.
Freeman couldnt give The Verge any more details about the truck heist due to an ongoing police investigation, however, he did say in an email that If a user has a question we urge them to contact us [at] stopRTX30theft@evga.com. We will deal with any user who does manage to obtain a stolen card.
It is not the first theft of large quantities of graphics cards. About $340,000 worth GeForceRTX 3090s was stolen from MSIs factory on mainland China at the end of 2020. Graphics cards are a popular target for thieves and scalpers. The MSRP for an Nvidia GeForce RTX3090 is $1,499, but if scalpers get their way, it can soar to $2,000 or more.