This week, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a bipartisan and historic infrastructure bill. The bill has already passed the Senate and is expected to be signed into law by President Joe Biden. According to the Biden Administration, it represents a major investment in infrastructure and will likely create millions of new jobs over the next ten year. This will be seen politically as a victory by President Biden. However, it also provides a rare glimpse of what bipartisanship could look like. It is a victory for Earth, and all those who depend on it for our survival as climate scientists.
TOPSHOT - The speech of US President Joe Biden is delivered on the stage at the COP26 UN Climate...[+] Change Conference, Glasgow, Scotland on November 1, 2021. COP26 will take place in Glasgow from October 31 through November 12. It is the largest climate conference since 2015.
This link provides a complete overview of the $1.2 trillion bill. This link highlights key components that will be addressing roads, bridges and airports as well as waterways. Major investments are also made in improving power, water, broadband, and other infrastructures. This is a brief overview of the bill's implications for climate change.
I have already done it in one way. You might have noticed that parts of the United States have been experiencing power and water supply problems in recent weeks after extreme weather events like Hurricane Ida, or the Texas Cold Event. Everybody benefits from any infrastructure bill that adapts our infrastructure to the new realities of climate changes. This bill is not only relevant to climate change, but also infrastructure adaptation and resilience. The house also includes a lot of information on mitigation.
The world has come to realize that reducing carbon emissions is the only way to slow climate change. It includes $39 billion to expand public transportation systems. It's a simple idea. It is possible to reduce emissions by getting people off the roads and onto public transport.
NEW ORLEANS, SEPBER 17: Utility workers repaired a power line in Lower... [+] Ninth Ward New Orleans, Louisiana on September 17, 2005. Twenty days after Hurricane Katrina struck, rescue efforts continue and cleanup continues in the affected areas. (Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images). Getty Images
This bill will help state and local governments make the transition to zero- or low emission buses. It also includes the largest investment in passenger train service in 50 years. As a new owner of an electric vehicle, I was thrilled to see that billions of dollars were available to fund the expansion and maintenance of electric vehicle charging stations across the country. The bill provides $5 billion to school systems for hybrid or electric school buses. Environmental stewards have long targeted diesel-fuel school buses.
While I have already mentioned the resilience of electric grids, another aspect to modernization is to encourage carbon capture technology. A portion of the $65 billion allocated to grid modernization funding would stimulate and accelerate the development more climate-friendly electricity sources like hydrogen.