Answer: Your phone will automatically change from Daylight Savings Time to Daylight Savings Time. You shouldn't need to do anything unless you have an older Android phone or have altered the date and time settings in any way.
What is Daylight Savings Time?
The clocks change twice a year (for most people). The clocks "spring forward" one hour early in each year, and then "fall back” an hour later. It all depends on where you live. People are left wondering what to do with their Android phones to ensure that everything works right after they switch.
What time does Daylight Saving Time go into effect?
Daylight Savings Time was established last spring at 3:00 EST on March 14, 2021. This is the hour when our clocks move forward one hour. When Daylight Savings Time ends, Sunday, November 7, 2021 at 3:00 EST, the clocks will reset.
Can my phone automatically change from Daylight Savings Time to Daylight Savings Time?
There are some great news that you don't need to do. You won't need to do anything unless you go into your settings and turn off the automatic network times (in which case, you already know what you should do). Your Android phone will check the network for the correct time and change the system time automatically overnight. This will ensure that calendars and alarms are correct.
This is the best thing that you will ever do for your phone.
It does the same for when other parts move an hour ahead or back on their calendars. If you travel to these places, it will still apply six months later when we change. It also allows our phones to know the correct time zone when we drive or fly to another time zone.
What happens if my phone's battery is low or switched off?
Your phone should be turned on after the time change and will automatically adjust to Daylight Savings Time. We encourage you to contact your carrier if you have any issues with your phone's settings.
How to verify your Daylight Savings Time settings on a stock Android or Pixel device
It's simple to check if your settings are correct if you're concerned about your phone's ability switch the time automatically.
Open your Settings app. Scroll down and click on System. Tap on Date and time. To toggle the Use network-provided times setting, tap on Date & time. To toggle the Use network-provided times zone setting, tap.
How to check the Daylight Savings Time settings on a Samsung Galaxy smartphone
Samsung and other manufacturers have different processes. This is how you can verify that your settings are correct when using a Samsung Galaxy smartphone.