How is your holiday shopping going? Although it's too early to panic, now is the time to buy stuff if you want it delivered in time for the holidays. It's possible that you have noticed how when you try to order something online it is either unavailable or won't ship for several weeks or months. The global supply chain has been a bit shaky lately due to a mix of logistical problems and resource shortages as well as manufacturing woes. It's a strange time to buy things and even more bizarre time to ship them.
Gadget Lab's senior editor Adrienne So of WIRED joins us this week to discuss supply chain issues and why it is the right time to begin holiday shopping.
Show notes
Adreinne's story on timing holiday shopping correctly.
Adrienne recommends Wheel of Time books, which will be available on Amazon Prime Video as a streaming television program in the coming months. Lauren recommends Lincoln: Divided We Stand, a six-part CNN documentary. Mike recommends Re:Wired as a free stream for November 9th and 10.
Adrienne So can also be found on Twitter @adriennemso Lauren Goode can be found at @LaurenGoode Michael Calore can be found @snackfight @GadgetLab's main hotline is Bling Boone Ashworth (@booneashworth) produced the show. Solar Keys is our theme music.
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