This article was translated using AI technology from the Spanish edition. This process may cause errors.
Elon Musk, co-founder of Tesla & SpaceX, has reached 307,000 million in his fortune this week, making him the first billionaire in the world.
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Forbes reports that Musk's fortune was worth $ 190.5 billion as of October 1. SpaceX, which was valued at $ 100 billion, became the second most valuable private company worldwide last month.
Hertz, a car rental company, announced that it had purchased 100,000 Tesla cars. This earned Musk $ 36.2 billion.
Morgan Stanley, a financial multinational, predicted that Musk would be the first billionaire in the world in October. Remember that "billionaire" is a Spanish word meaning "billionaire", but it can also refer to different amounts than "billionaire" English. One billion is one billion, and one billion is one million millions in Spanish.
"The wealthiest person to have ever walked the earth"
Forbes dubbed Musk "probably the wealthiest person to have ever walked the earth" as a result.
According to Business Insider, Tesla's CEO is now worth three-times more than Warren Buffett. This is because, according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, Berkshire Hathaway's fortune is "just" 104 Billion Dollars.
Furthermore, Elon Musk's wealth is greater than South Africa's gross domestic product, which was $ 301.9 billion in 2012 according to World Bank data.
Musk is now $ 142 billion more wealthy than Jeff Bezos (the world's second-most powerful man), whose net worth stands at $ 193 billion.