Donald Trump took credit for Glenn Youngkin’s victory in Virginia's gubernatorial election.
Trump stated that Youngkin would not have been able to win if it weren't for the "MAGA voters."
Former president thanked his base for voting for Youngkin.
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Donald Trump, the former President, has claimed credit for Glenn Youngkin's win in Virginia's neck-and-neck governorship race. He released a statement Tuesday night thanking "MAGA voter" for coming to the polls.
"I want to thank my BASE for voting for Glenn Youngkin and coming out in force. He would have never been able to win without you. In a tweet by Liz Harrington, Trump's spokeswoman, he stated that the MAGA movement was stronger and bigger than ever before.
"Glenn is a great governor. We are grateful to the Commonwealth of Virginia, and most importantly, to our MAGA voters! Trump concluded.
Youngkin, a former executive in private equity and Republican candidate for Governor, defeated Terry McAuliffe, per Insider and Decision Desk HQ.
He also took no time to start fundraising efforts, just hours after Youngkin had taken the lead in the gubernatorial race. At around 10.30 p.m. ET, Trump's team sent an email to his supporters titled "Congratulations Glenn Youngkin" asking them to donate immediately to "help save America". The email's link was attached and the user was redirected to the fundraising site for Trump's Save America PAC.
In a fundraising email that Insider saw, Trump wrote: "INCREDIBLE- Congratulations to GLENN YOUNGKIN. A true America FIRST Patriot who received my complete endorsement for Virginia Governor." This was a huge win, but we must not stop here. We must send a message that the Left will save America.
A day before Virginia's election, Trump issued a separate statement via Harrington. He denied rumors of Youngkin's split and blamed "perverts", and "fake media" for that impression.
Youngkin did not campaign alongside Trump, however. Although he endorsed Youngkin, the former president did not travel to the campaign trail except for calling in at an election-eve telerally Youngkin was not able to attend.
McAuliffe did not concede defeat at press time. He tweeted: "Folks. Not everything is counted, and we still wait for a lot more votes to come in. We want to make sure every Virginian's voice is heard.